How to Understand That Your Interlocutor Doesn't Like You: 5 Signs - Don't Waste Time Talking to This Person

18.03.2024 11:18

People often hide their dislike for some of their interlocutors.

They continue communication, trying to “mask” the real attitude with a fake smile or feigned interest.

This behavior is quite understandable: it is impolite to talk about a lack of sympathy.

Photo: Pixabay

However, one must be able to read hidden hostility. Otherwise, one will have to communicate with people with whom interaction should be minimal.

So, what are the exact signs that indicate that your interlocutor doesn’t like you?

"Wrong" smile

A sincere smile is immediately visible: it is combined with “laughing” eyes.

But if the eyes of a smiling person are sad, then the interlocutor clearly does not like the conversation: apparently, he is forcing himself to look friendly.

The interlocutor chose a "defensive" pose

If a person crosses his arms, he may subconsciously want to protect himself.

Such a posture, adopted by the interlocutor during a conversation, often indicates a lack of disposition.

The man does not look into the eyes

If you are unpleasant to your interlocutor, he will try to avoid eye contact.

But don't rush to make a disappointing conclusion. It's possible that the person is simply shy.

The man is afraid to come close

This is another sign of a lack of affection on the part of the partner or his excessive shyness.

The man turned around

If the person you are talking to is looking at you, but his body is clearly pointed in the other direction, then this is a bad sign.

It is possible that a person subconsciously wants to leave, but for some reason forces himself to continue communication.

Earlier, experts told how to survive a bad streak in life.

Kurchev Anton Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief

  1. "Wrong" smile
  2. The interlocutor chose a "defensive" pose
  3. The man does not look into the eyes
  4. The man is afraid to come close
  5. The man turned around

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