What attracts men to women: 3 features of appearance

20.06.2024 17:15

“Men love with their eyes”... This expression didn’t just appear out of nowhere.

Many representatives of the stronger sex really do pay primary attention to a woman’s appearance.

And there are several details in a girl’s appearance that “catch” guys first.

Photo: © Belnovosti

It turns out that having perfectly correct facial features is not at all necessary.

A man may well like a woman who does not meet the ideals of beauty, but who has the following characteristics.

A sincere smile

Smiling girls are liked by the stronger sex.

After all, a happy and laughing lady creates a pleasant atmosphere.

But it is important that the smile is not fake.

"Burning" eyes

Contrary to popular belief, the color of a girl's eyes is not of fundamental importance to a man.

The main thing is to have a sparkle in the eyes.

In other words, a girl who has a sense of cheerfulness has a greater chance of becoming attractive.

Not enough makeup

Many girls are sure that an abundance of cosmetics makes them more beautiful.

In fact, many men prefer a more natural look.

Previously, there were listed things that a man should not tolerate from a woman.

Kurchev Anton Author: Kurchev Anton Deputy Editor-in-Chief

  1. A sincere smile
  2. "Burning" eyes
  3. Not enough makeup

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