Being able to spot fake smiles is a very useful skill.
By possessing it, a person can easily find out whether his interlocutor is being sincere with him.
A fake smile immediately reveals someone who is trying to manipulate their opponent or hide their true feelings from them.
But how can you tell if a person is smiling “through force”?
It turns out that recognizing a fake smile is very easy. You just need to pay attention to one sure sign.
Sign of a fake smile
When a person smiles sincerely, he also “uses” his eyes.
In other words, wrinkles should appear around the organs of vision.
During a real smile, the skin around the eyes is unlikely to look the same as when there is no emotion.
The sudden disappearance of a smile should also be disconcerting. A person who is genuinely happy stops smiling gradually.
But if your interlocutor is only pretending to be happy, then his smile will most likely disappear as suddenly as it appeared.
Earlier we told you how to revive a fading friendship.