Some cat owners are confident that their pets understand every word addressed to them.
Elena Shimanovskaya cats cats pets and animals language Pets 18 November 2024The purpose of tongue twisters and clean twisters is to develop speech and diction in children.
Elena Shimanovskaya tongue twisters Tongue twisters for kids speech development child development Children 4 November 2024If you want your baby to say his first word as soon as possible and start speaking in complete sentences as quickly as possible, you must help him.
Elena Shimanovskaya child child development speech development how to teach a child to speak Children 22 October 2024Symbols are a means of cultural identification. Their meaning was clarified and substantiated many years ago under certain conditions by Y. Lotman.
Valeria Kisternaya psychology family obscene words Love and Family 24 September 2024You've probably noticed that some people fill pauses in conversation with sounds like "uh," "um," "eee," and so on. The reason is their limited vocabulary.
Elena Shimanovskaya communication parasite words speech without swearing vocabulary) People and Events 27 July 2024We'll tell you which words you should avoid using to avoid being considered illiterate.
Timur Khomichev words literate speech speech errors Russian language People and Events 27 July 2024The process of speech development in a child depends on many factors, including physical activity, developmental activities, parental speech, motor games, etc.
Elena Shimanovskaya child speech therapist pronunciation of sounds letter r Children 10 July 2024Every person sometimes has to deal with indecisive people.
Kurchev Anton communication how to conduct a conversation decision making psychological trick People and Events 25 April 2024Speaking beautifully and convincingly is an art that can be learned.
Elena Shimanovskaya conversation mistakes in conversation People communication People and Events 26 February 2024