3 Most Common Conversational Mistakes: Learning to Speak Beautifully

26.02.2024 15:15

Speaking beautifully and convincingly is an art that can be learned.

Many people make mistakes in their speech without even realizing it.

In this article, we'll look at three of the most common mistakes people make in conversation, and give some helpful tips on how to fix them.

Problems with speech rate

You've probably noticed that some people have problems with the rate of speech. They can speak so fast that their speech becomes incomprehensible.

Misunderstanding is not the worst thing: in this case there is always a risk of saying something unnecessary (for example, in a state of emotional excitement).

Photo: Pixabay

To control the speed of your speech, try taking a deep breath before each sentence and imagine that your interlocutor is listening to you attentively and is in no hurry.

The habit of arguing

In itself, disagreement with the opponent's opinion does not carry anything bad. It turns into a mistake only when nothing depends on the agreement or disagreement of the interlocutors and does not change. As a result, an empty dispute arises that does not lead to changes and does not bring results other than irritation of the participants.

So the next time you think someone's point of view is wrong, first find out why the person holds that opinion, rather than rushing to refute it.

Lack of common themes

The lack of topics for conversation in unfamiliar company can lead to awkward pauses. To avoid these situations, you can prepare a list of routine topics in advance that can be used in various situations. For example, you can talk about life, work, the latest news, the weather, or ask for advice.

Earlier we talked about a simple way to raise your self-esteem.

Elena Shimanovskaya Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Internet resource editor

  1. Problems with speech rate
  2. The habit of arguing
  3. Lack of common themes