Why is your child aggressive? Reasons you don't know

23.02.2025 19:03

Has your child suddenly started fighting, screaming, breaking toys?

Before you blame him for bad behavior or reproach yourself for mistakes in upbringing, know this: childhood aggression is rarely accidental. Often it is a cry for help that is disguised as outbursts of anger.

For example, children may become aggressive due to an excess of emotions that they cannot express in words, or due to hidden stress that parents are not even aware of.

Photo: © Belnovosti

One of the less obvious triggers is cartoons and games that seem harmless.

Characters who solve problems with their fists or shouting become role models for the child.

At an early age, the brain does not distinguish fiction from reality: if the hero “wins” through aggression, the baby copies this model.

Particularly dangerous are scenes where violence is presented as normal or even encouraged. The child does not understand that in life the consequences will be different.

Another reason is an unstable atmosphere in the family.

Even if parents do not quarrel in front of the child, he feels the tension through the tone of voice, gestures, and facial expressions.

Accumulated stress results in aggressive behavior: the baby seems to be defending himself from an invisible threat.

Sometimes children start fighting in kindergarten or school only because they subconsciously want to draw attention to family problems.

Often aggression is a reaction to a lack of personal boundaries. For example, if a child is constantly forced to share toys without asking his opinion, he learns to "win back" his own through force.

Or, on the contrary, overprotective parents who decide everything for him provoke a rebellion: the child tries to prove that he can control at least something, even through destruction.

How to deal with aggression? First, stop yelling back. Your job is to show how to express emotions without harming others.

Talk through your feelings: "I see you're angry. Let's find a way to fix this together."

Second, create a “quiet corner” – a place where your child can retreat to calm down.

And most importantly: look for the source of stress. Often the problem is solved when its root is found.

Elena Shimanovskaya Author: Elena Shimanovskaya Editor of Internet resources

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