Garlic is a very healthy product, but it should be consumed in strictly limited quantities.
Russian nutritionist Elena Solomatina warned about this.
The expert spoke with Vechernyaya Moskva about the benefits and norms of garlic consumption.

What are the benefits of garlic and how much to eat
As Solomatina explained, garlic is rich in various vitamins, as well as unique essential oils.
They repel viruses, so garlic is useful for colds.
But it cannot be the only means of fighting a cold, the expert clarified.
Secondly, garlic thins the blood and reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis.
However, if you have problems with blood clotting, garlic should be completely excluded from your diet.
Also, this useful product is contraindicated for problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
As the nutritionist explained, the essential oils contained in garlic irritate the intestines.
The norm for garlic consumption, according to Solomatina, is strictly individual.
I advise eating no more than one clove of raw garlic per day, the nutritionist noted.