The doctor explained how much candy children can eat - no more than 3 pieces per day, provided that certain conditions are met.
Igor Zur doctor's advice children's health harm of sugar Advice to parents Children 27 December 2024This topic was highlighted at a press conference by the head of the trade and catering organization department of the MART, Natalia Melnikova.
Timur Khomichev Belarus Belarus News tangerines caviar prices Society 29 November 2024Homemade sweets differ favorably from store-bought ones due to their natural composition and the absence of sugar and preservatives.
Elena Shimanovskaya recipes sweets weight loss Diets 7 November 2024Good news for lovers of confectionery: apparently, there will be no increase in the price of sweet gifts for the New Year.
Kurchev Anton Belarus Belarus News JSC Spartak Economy 16 October 2024Will Cutbill has made it into the Guinness Book of Records with his tower of M&M's.
Igor Zur Guinness Book of Records interesting records error Records and anti-records 15 August 2024You will need watermelon juice, sugar, cornstarch, butter and powdered sugar.
Sergey Tumanov Top news watermelon recipe preparation Cooking 12 August 2024Is your child eating candy too often? This is a clear cause for concern!
Kurchev Anton sweets parents and children the rules Advice to parents Children 13 July 2024The Guinness World Record for the largest piece of candy belongs to a piece of toffee made by Nidar, a Norwegian confectionery manufacturer that has been around for over a century.
Elena Shimanovskaya sweets record Guinness Book of Records Records and anti-records 1 July 2024If you are concerned about your own health and the health of your loved ones, then, understandably, you will choose products with natural ingredients.
Elena Shimanovskaya berries fruits Cooking 8 June 2024If you're on a diet, it's no wonder that thoughts of sweets can haunt you.
Elena Shimanovskaya diet recipe Diets 12 February 2024Many people love such sweets. It is important not only to choose the right delicious candies, but also to store them so that they remain an excellent treat for tea for as long as possible.
Olga Kotova sweets storage food products useful tips and life hacks Useful tips 8 February 2024When you want to please yourself and your family with delicious homemade candies, you should pay attention to this method of preparation.
Olga Kotova dessert recipes sweets cooking cooking Cooking 2 February 2024Children under two years of age should not be given sweets. This will only negatively affect their health and weaken their immunity.
Olga Kotova sweets children and family immunity health Beauty and health 2 January 2024Often, such gifts contain treats that are actually harmful to health.
Olga Kotova children and family health sweets useful tips and life hacks Beauty and health 1 January 2024Light and melt-in-your-mouth candies with a light sparkling aroma are a great dessert option for a holiday. The delicacy is quite easy to prepare.
Olga Kotova dessert preparation New Year's dishes New Year's recipes Cooking 30 December 2023The treat is prepared quickly and easily. At the same time, you don’t need to take too many ingredients.
Olga Kotova dessert sweets cooking and recipes Cooking 29 December 2023It is always a good idea to please your family and guests with homemade desserts. Such treats always turn out more delicious and natural.
Olga Kotova dessert preparation cooking Cooking 23 November 2023Sweets are bad for your figure, and have a negative effect on your skin and teeth. But it's even worse if they're made from low-quality ingredients.
Olga Kotova sweets products harm Beauty and health 20 November 2023Many people are used to associating candies only with sugar. But if you start making natural homemade candies, you can easily do without this component.
Olga Kotova preparation dessert sweets Cooking 17 November 2023There is no need to completely eliminate your favorite treats from your diet. You can eat such a dessert once or twice a week.
Olga Kotova nutrition products diets and nutrition Diets 18 October 2023