Does your child eat candy too often?
This is a clear cause for concern! Excessive consumption of sweets is fraught with excess weight, deterioration of dental health and other health problems.
How can we make our child’s love for confectionery less dangerous?

Of course, parents can simply forbid their son or daughter to eat sweets without control. But such an approach will certainly upset the child.
It's better to do it differently. Use one little trick - and the desired result will be achieved without hysterics from the baby.
How to get your child to eat less candy
It's very simple. You just need to set aside one day a week to eat confectionery.
This period can be called "Candy Day" or "Day of Sweets".
You cannot eat sweets on any other day.
What's good about this approach? The thing is that when using this trick, you don't actually forbid your child to eat sweets. The meal is simply postponed "for later."
Therefore, there will most likely be no tears or hysterics. The baby will simply begin to wait for “that very” day.
But be careful: on Candy Day, your child should not only eat sweets.