There are 6 medically proven methods that can help solve the problem.
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Igor Zur doctor's advice medicines fresh air blood pressure Beauty and health 22 April 2024Usually the disease is associated with stress, bright light, but sometimes food becomes a trigger. Migraine attacks can be associated with poor nutrition.
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Igor Zur weather sensitivity health condition proper nutrition healthy lifestyle Beauty and health 1 March 2024Migraine attacks worsen the quality of life. But few people know that the disease can be caused by nutritional problems.
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Olga Kotova migraine reasons signs disease Beauty and health 14 February 2023Migraine attacks negatively affect the quality of life. Painful sensations may not only persist for a long time, but also be accompanied by additional unpleasant symptoms.
Olga Kotova migraine products reasons Beauty and health 7 February 2023The problem may arise for various reasons. Women face it more often.
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