The doctor named the most dangerous and healthiest apples.
Igor Zur benefits of apples harm of apples poisoning medical advice Diets 13 September 2024Three types of cheese have been named that are considered the healthiest.
Igor Zur proper nutrition benefits of cheese useful substances vitamins Diets 9 September 2024Some original ideas that will allow you to start a new day in a great mood.
Igor Zur healthy eating breakfast recipes how to improve your mood useful substances Diets 8 September 2024Not everyone knows why ginger root should be included in a regular diet.
Marina Michalap ginger proper nutrition Beauty and health 3 September 2024Not everyone knows what foods and drinks can help cope with a loss of strength.
Marina Michalap loss of strength proper nutrition Beauty and health 28 August 2024Scientists have reported that vitamins A, C, D and K prolong life if included in the daily diet.
Igor Zur maintain health vitamins healthy eating longevity Beauty and health 21 August 2024An expert from Roskachestvo explained the benefits of vitamin B6 and what products can help to replenish its deficiency.
Igor Zur vitamins Dietitian's advice metabolism brain health Beauty and health 21 August 2024Five tips from an endocrinologist to help you stay healthy after 40.
Igor Zur proper nutrition medical advice biological age maintain health Diets 20 August 2024Lard can and should be eaten more often than most people do.
Timur Khomichev fat benefits of lard consumption of lard rules for eating lard Diets 17 August 2024Not everyone knows about the beneficial properties of tofu cheese.
Marina Michalap proper nutrition Beauty and health 9 August 2024What vitamins and nutrients are needed for good vision and what foods to look for them in.
Igor Zur maintain health vitamins in plants useful substances how to improve vision Beauty and health 8 August 2024We tell you what foods are good for older people to eat before bed.
Timur Khomichev dinner elderly people food proper nutrition Beauty and health 6 August 2024Not everyone knows what summer products will help you become much more beautiful and younger.
Marina Michalap nutrition tips Beauty and health 23 July 2024Contrary to popular belief, completely abstaining from food in the evening is not at all beneficial.
Timur Khomichev dinner elderly people food proper nutrition Diets 16 July 2024As you age, you need to take a more responsible approach to planning your daily menu.
Timur Khomichev products proper nutrition elderly people Diets 2 July 2024Why you can eat churchkhela and not think about the consequences.
Igor Zur desserts healthy eating benefits of nuts Beauty and health 27 June 2024Many of us try to restore our shaky mental balance with fast food or sweets. The problem is that “eating away” stress almost immediately affects our weight and, accordingly, our appearance.
Elena Shimanovskaya stress food products nutrition Diets 25 June 2024A cardiologist has listed foods that will improve heart health.
Igor Zur heart health maintain health doctor's advice diet Beauty and health 20 June 2024In recent years, a healthy lifestyle has become fashionable. Many people exercise and switch to healthy eating to improve their health and well-being.
Elena Shimanovskaya diet proper nutrition weight loss food products Diets 11 June 2024What foods will help you fall asleep quickly and satisfy your hunger at the same time.
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