The closer it gets to autumn, the higher the demand for vitamins and food products containing an abundance of nutrients.
According to the latest scientific research, vitamins not only help fight diseases, but also prolong life.
Experts classified only 4 vitamins into the last category.
It will be nice to know that life-prolonging vitamins are available to everyone, and in their natural form.
Vitamin K
Foods containing this vitamin should be included in the daily diet.
It helps fight age-related diseases, improves the condition of arteries, memory and cognitive functions necessary for the heart, and also reduces the risk of developing cancer.
Found in leafy greens, spinach and kale, legumes, tomatoes, prunes and grapes, kiwi, figs and avocados.
Vitamin C
Strengthens the immune system and destroys cancer cells, strengthens bone tissue, promotes wound healing, and is essential for healthy gums.
The champions in its content are rose hips and currants, citrus fruits, kiwi, strawberries, red bell peppers, parsley, Brussels sprouts, and spinach.
Vitamin D
Without it, immunity weakens, calcium absorption is disrupted, problems with muscle metabolism arise, and excess fatty tissue increases.
It is recommended to include in the diet: fish oil, cod liver, herring, salmon, mackerel, chicken eggs (yolk), milk, butter, cheese and red caviar.
Vitamin A
Responsible for skin health, cognitive functions, brain function, improves memory and information absorption.
Recommended foods include beef and cod liver, carrots, dried apricots, butter, green vegetables and leafy greens, cheese, cream, eggs, sour cream, as well as red bell peppers and pumpkin.