Why is a drinking diet dangerous and why you can’t expect healthy weight loss by eating only soup.
Igor Zur proper nutrition benefits of soup mistakes tips for losing weight Diets 6 May 2024How to properly restore metabolism and why it should be done after a diet.
Igor Zur tips for losing weight metabolism excess weight maintain health Diets 3 May 20244 reasons that provoke belly growth have been named - here's why you need to lose weight correctly.
Igor Zur proper nutrition hormones excess weight mistakes Diets 2 May 2024Why it is useful to eat strawberries, blueberries and grapes when losing weight.
Igor Zur proper nutrition Dietitian's advice the most useful berries digestion Diets 30 April 2024Why is green tea useful in the fight against excess weight and are there any restrictions?
Igor Zur benefits of green tea tips for losing weight metabolism excess weight Diets 26 April 2024A nutritionist warned that poor sleep affects weight loss.
Igor Zur proper nutrition Dietitian's advice healthy sleep excess weight Diets 25 April 2024The doctor talked about healthy weight loss, calorie counting and exercise.
Igor Zur doctor's advice calories exercises Mediterranean diet Diets 22 April 2024A nutritionist told who will benefit from drinking coffee with lemon.
Igor Zur Dietitian's advice proper nutrition benefits of coffee coffee with lemon Diets 19 April 2024They say that Maya Plisetskaya followed this method of losing weight.
Igor Zur diets and nutrition benefits of water diet health Diets 12 April 2024A nutritionist has named three interesting exercises for those who want to lose weight - you don't even need to go to the gym.
Igor Zur Dietitian's advice gym exercise how to reduce calories Diets 12 April 2024The nutritionist advises including eight healthy foods in your diet, despite their calorie content.
Igor Zur proper nutrition calories Dietitian's advice maintain health Diets 11 April 2024Spices that are useful during weight loss have been named.
Igor Zur proper nutrition the most useful spices excess weight healthy diet Diets 11 April 2024A nutritionist told us which marathon for those who are losing weight can be safely called useful.
Igor Zur Dietitian's advice calories proper nutrition excess weight Diets 10 April 2024How to correctly determine healthy weight and detect obesity.
Igor Zur proper nutrition excess weight obesity useful tips and life hacks Diets 2 April 2024Myasnikov named food products that prevent you from losing excess weight.
Igor Zur proper nutrition harmful products tips for losing weight calories Diets 2 April 2024A nutritionist named criteria that will help you decide when to start a diet.
Igor Zur proper nutrition Dietitian's advice health tips for losing weight Diets 30 March 2024British scientists have warned about the dangers of intermittent fasting using the 16/8 method.
Igor Zur health condition stroke research by scientists danger Diets 19 March 2024A British nutritionist has presented the 5/2 diet - you can lose weight without starving yourself.
Igor Zur proper nutrition Dietitian's advice healthy diet calories Diets 18 March 2024Processed cheese, crispbread, and granola interfere with weight loss. In addition, you should avoid yogurts with various flavors and additives.
Olga Kotova weight loss food products food health Diets 18 March 2024The amount of carbohydrates, trans fats and sugar should be reduced. It is better to completely give up alcohol. In addition, it is advisable to reduce the amount of energy drinks. We are talking about strong tea, coffee and energy drinks.
Olga Kotova excess weight weight loss diet health Diets 18 March 2024