A diet where you can eat all sorts of delicious things and still lose weight is a rare occurrence.
It is logical that in such cases nutritionists recommend including more fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet. Berries should not be excluded either.
We will tell you which berries, according to foreign nutritionists, help burn belly fat. They are recommended to be included in the diet first.
The berry contains an abundance of fiber, which improves digestion and benefits the gastrointestinal tract.
Among other things, strawberries contain vitamin C, antioxidants and many nutrients.
Previously, it was believed that blueberries were good for vision, but scientific research has shown that blueberries are much more effective in promoting digestion.
The berry is saturating, improves metabolism, is known for its antimicrobial properties and is rich in natural acids.
Berries are rich in fiber, which already protects against overeating. Grapes are satiating and also rich in organic acid.
Earlier we talked about whether fish can replace meat .