Why you can’t eat cottage cheese with sugar, wash it down with coffee, and what other products negate its beneficial properties.
Igor Zur proper nutrition Dietitian's advice benefits of cottage cheese digestion Diets 8 May 2024Vegetables are good for your health, but they have contraindications.
Igor Zur proper nutrition health vegetables harm of sugar Beauty and health 3 May 2024Instant noodles can be healthy too.
Igor Zur proper nutrition health vitamins useful substances Beauty and health 3 May 2024There are five bad eating habits that are stealing years from people's lives.
Igor Zur eating habits longevity maintain health proper nutrition Beauty and health 25 April 2024Not everyone knows what foods they should avoid in order to stay healthy.
Marina Michalap proper nutrition nutrition tips Dietitian's advice Diets 24 April 2024Food products that prevent you from living to 100 years old have been named.
Igor Zur proper nutrition longevity healthy diet harm of sugar Diets 23 April 2024The products and habits that destroy a person from the inside, affecting the condition of the spleen, have been named.
Igor Zur proper nutrition healthy lifestyle digestion maintain health Beauty and health 4 April 2024Myasnikov named food products that prevent you from losing excess weight.
Igor Zur proper nutrition healthy weight loss tips for losing weight calories Diets 2 April 2024Sausage is a popular product that often graces tables as an appetizer. But it is not something you should include in your diet often.
Olga Kotova sausage food food products health Diets 29 March 2024Normal metabolism is hindered by foods that contain sugar. Most often, such food is "disguised" as healthy.
Olga Kotova diets and nutrition proper nutrition food weight Diets 28 March 2024Why it is better not to cook rice in advance and why cooked rice can only be stored in the refrigerator.
Igor Zur cereals poisoning research by scientists bacteria Beauty and health 25 March 2024What foods in one meal can cause digestive problems and upset stomach.
Igor Zur proper nutrition diet culinary mistakes useful tips and life hacks Diets 24 March 2024It is acceptable to eat such treats no more than once a month. If you want to treat yourself to burgers more often, it is better to make a homemade dish with a clean composition.
Olga Kotova burger fast food health proper nutrition Beauty and health 22 March 2024Increased gas formation in the abdomen is an unpleasant condition that causes discomfort.
Olga Kotova health weight figure healthy products Diets 22 March 2024The classic breakfast that you can see in commercials or movies is usually always accompanied by a glass of juice. But it is better not to drink such a drink in the morning.
Olga Kotova excess weight juices drinks Diets 15 March 2024The doctor told how many pancakes you can eat per day and which recipe is best to use for skin diseases.
Igor Zur Carnival pancakes without flour proper nutrition diseases Beauty and health 13 March 2024Nutritionists have spoken about the dangers of microwave popcorn.
Igor Zur oncology proper nutrition microwave cooking Beauty and health 12 March 2024You need to pay attention to food that contains calcium and vitamin C.
Olga Kotova teeth healthy eating smile Beauty and health 10 March 2024What foods should you definitely eliminate from your diet after 40 years of age?
Igor Zur age proper nutrition healthy diet alcohol Diets 10 March 2024Why is it not recommended to fry in vegetable oil and at what temperature does it become harmful?
Igor Zur vegetable oil health condition hot Records and anti-records 8 March 2024