fast weight loss


An American doctor claims that in 6 weeks of an ice diet you can lose up to 20 kg, but you will have to eat and drink only cold things, and sleep in the cold.

Igor Zur excess weight how to speed up metabolism how to burn calories starvation Diets 27 September 2024

It is not possible to get rid of visceral fat quickly - only a comprehensive approach will help.

Igor Zur proper nutrition Dietitian's advice belly fat excess weight Diets 7 September 2024

Advice from Indian nutritionist Ishika Singh on the dangers of extreme diets.

Igor Zur proper nutrition Dietitian's advice extreme diet health Diets 26 August 2024

Experts have explained whether it is possible to lose weight on rice water and what problems the increasingly popular diet guarantees.

Igor Zur poor nutrition tips for losing weight mistakes rice groats Diets 22 August 2024

Many people who are losing weight complain that the process of getting rid of excess weight is too slow.

Kurchev Anton weight loss exercises kettlebell lifting board Diets 10 June 2024

In Tunisia, scientists have confirmed the benefits of combining exercise and diet for weight loss.

Igor Zur excess weight regular training research by scientists fight against fat Diets 3 May 2024
Girl, figure

By summer, many people are trying to lose weight so they can confidently wear their favorite outfits and feel more comfortable during a beach holiday. Not only women think about this, but also men, who may complain about a "beer belly"

Olga Kotova weight loss excess weight fat Diets 23 March 2024

Getting rid of extra pounds should be comfortable. Rapid weight loss only threatens serious health problems.

Olga Kotova diets and nutrition weight loss excess weight health Diets 29 February 2024

Unfortunately, losing weight is not as easy as gaining it. Therefore, all those losing weight are concerned with the same question - how to speed up this process.

Elena Shimanovskaya weight loss how to lose weight fast diet excess weight Diets 29 February 2024