Dreams of perfect abs with pronounced “cubes” have nothing to do with caring about women’s health.
Igor Zur advice for women maintain health medical advice mistakes Beauty and health 23 January 2025When a person dives into the world of fitness, he or she may encounter certain questions and myths.
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Dmitry Liskovich dog animals pets and animals animals and people Pets 16 January 2024Each of us has at least once done sports using a fitness bracelet and very often asked ourselves the question: “Does it really determine the indicators during training so accurately?” Now we will figure it out.
Sergey Tumanov sports activities Beauty and health 6 December 2023The most pressing question for all gym newbies is: “How many times a week should I train to see results?”
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Igor Zur water repair apartment tricks Useful tips 16 May 2023Gaining weight while exercising is completely normal. Here's why.
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Olga Kotova workouts mistakes health Beauty and health 21 February 2023Alisa Petlitskaya is a fitness trainer. Expert of the online publication "BelNovosti" on healthy lifestyle and physical education.
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