Quad bike kids - who are they and why is it dangerous to demonstrate a spiritual connection with animals.
Igor Zur Advice to parents teenagers Media | Mass Media harm Children 27 September 2024Scientists believe that cats imitate humans, but skeptics disagree with the findings.
Igor Zur cat behavior Tips for cat owners research by scientists pets Pets 7 June 2024Experts have named four personality types who should not have a dog.
Igor Zur dog training dog breeds mistakes sense of responsibility Pets 29 May 2024A stray dog may be attracted by the smell of food coming from a bag, but more often than not, animals follow a person for company.
Igor Zur facts about dogs dog behavior human behavior Pets 11 March 2024The animal perceives passers-by differently.
Kurchev Anton facts about dogs dog behavior aggressive dogs reasons Pets 8 March 2024Some children perceive four-legged friends as “soft toys”.
Kurchev Anton cats fear children and family cat behavior Pets 10 February 2024Raising and caring for a dog are complex processes that require enormous effort from the pet's owner.
Kurchev Anton dog training problems People character traits Pets 7 February 2024Usually, dogs and animals that regularly attend exhibitions are taken to fitness classes.
Dmitry Liskovich fitness dog animals pets and animals Pets 16 January 2024A caring owner always strives to feed and walk his pet well, but he also tries to monitor the animal’s emotional state.
Dmitry Liskovich dog animals stress pets and animals Pets 11 January 2024Many of us have probably noticed that people often feel more compassion for animals than for people.
Dmitry Liskovich animals People pets and animals Pets 11 January 2024