It is known that simply giving up fatty or sweet foods will not lead to the desired results when losing weight.
At a minimum, physical activity and exercise are necessary.
Researchers from the University of Sfax (Tunisia) have found out whether it is necessary to combine diet and exercise to speed up the process of burning fat in the body.
The results of the work were published in the scientific journal PLOS ONE.
It turned out that the experimental method made it possible to speed up the weight loss process by an average of 30%.
Experimental methodology
A total of 64 women were invited to participate in the experiment. The citizens were 32 years old.
All volunteers had a BMI of about 35, which corresponds to grade 1 obesity.
The participants were divided into three groups and trained for 12 weeks.
In Group 1, participants were asked to perform high-intensity interval training with weights.
In terms of food, they had to adhere to intermittent fasting.
In group No. 2, the participants lost weight by limiting themselves to diet only.
Group 3 included physical exercise, but the diet remained generally the same.
As a result, it turned out that in 12 weeks, women from the first group lost an average of 11.6 kg.
Diet without exercise helped me lose 9 kg, while exercise without diet allowed me to lose only 5.4 kg.
Scientists have concluded that a diet with exercise and training significantly accelerates the process of burning fat in the body. And at the same time, it reduces blood sugar levels.
Earlier we talked about why women fail to lose weight after 40 years.