A psychologist explained in what cases a child should not be allowed to sleep with their parents - not only age.
Igor Zur healthy sleep children and parents family relationships bad habits Children 26 November 2024A psychologist has clearly explained why couples with a large age difference break up.
Igor Zur age difference close relationship psychology of relationships conflict in a couple loss of interest Love and Family 26 November 2024Summer residents shared a trick that increases crop yields - moisture-charging irrigation with cereals.
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Igor Zur cabbage dishes salad recipe Chinese cabbage salad Chef's Tips vitamins in plants Cooking 26 November 2024The most loyal cats to humans are considered to be the Siamese, Ragdoll and Maine Coon.
Igor Zur cat breeds facts about cats cat in the apartment cat behavior Tips for cat owners Pets 26 November 2024We can talk about the harm or benefit of tea in individual cases, with or without contraindications.
Igor Zur maintain health green tea black tea herbal tea contraindications Beauty and health 26 November 2024A nutritionist has warned that regular consumption of sausage products takes years off your life.
Igor Zur harmful products Dietitian's advice longevity diet diseases Beauty and health 25 November 2024A simple trick that will allow you to extinguish and neutralize any conflict at its very beginning.
Igor Zur communication with people psychological trick quarrel in a relationship how to avoid conflict tricks People and Events 25 November 2024Vladimir Levkin's daughter claims that her father died not from cancer, but from pneumonia.
Igor Zur death of a musician expertise oncology pneumonia Media | Mass Media Show business 25 November 2024If a child grows up “quieter”, then the parents are to blame – mistakes in upbringing.
Igor Zur raising children Parents' mistakes child psychology experts childhood Children 25 November 2024Experts count eight types of manipulators - some are aggressive, and some require help.
Igor Zur unhealthy relationship manipulation techniques communication with people character traits toxic relationship Love and Family 25 November 2024Why you need to cover your compost for the winter and what material is best.
Igor Zur natural fertilizer compost for the garden tips for gardeners dacha in autumn shelter Garden and Vegetable Garden 25 November 2024How to make a Christmas decoration with your own hands - two simple ideas that anyone can handle.
Igor Zur apartment decoration New Year's decorations Christmas decorations Designer's tips conifer Design and interior 25 November 2024The longest novel has 13 volumes and more than 9 million characters.
Igor Zur world records Guinness Book of Records novel books interesting facts Records and anti-records 25 November 2024The cook told how to prepare breakfast from oatmeal, eggs, apples and cinnamon.
Igor Zur quick recipes oatmeal culinary tricks Chef's Tips cooking Cooking 25 November 2024A cat that sleeps with its owner confesses its love and affection to him, but there are also selfish reasons.
Igor Zur cat behavior Tips for cat owners cat sleeps with man pets facts about cats Pets 25 November 2024German scientists have found that of all types of rice, brown rice is the most beneficial.
Igor Zur benefits of rice research by scientists healthy eating vitamins useful substances Diets 25 November 2024The doctor explained in which cases nutmeg can be harmful to health.
Igor Zur contraindications medical advice heart health medicinal preparations Beauty and health 25 November 2024If you find yourself unable to maintain eye contact, begin to study the color of the person's eyes.
Igor Zur psychological trick how to maintain eye contact useful tips and life hacks communication with people look in the eyes People and Events 25 November 2024Bonya explained who she considers to be "poor people" and what kind of man she will not let into her life.
Igor Zur Victoria Bonya close relationship ideal man money and relationships Media | Mass Media Show business 25 November 2024