Experts call the desire to save money in secret from your regular partner financial infidelity.
Elena Shimanovskaya money relationship man and woman savings Love and Family 11 December 2024Bonya explained who she considers to be "poor people" and what kind of man she will not let into her life.
Igor Zur Victoria Bonya close relationship ideal man Media | Mass Media Show business 25 November 2024Unfortunately, at the beginning of a relationship, many men pay attention only to their partner’s appearance, almost completely ignoring the peculiarities of her behavior and character.
Kurchev Anton woman women's behavior Advice for men Love and Family 11 October 2024An expert named the mistakes of spouses that cause divorce - infidelity is not in the first place.
Igor Zur man and woman betrayal in marriage reasons for divorce mistakes in marriage Love and Family 20 August 2024The psychologist believes that all women want a man to dominate in financial matters.
Igor Zur man and woman female psychology male psychology board Love and Family 19 August 2024In almost every family, conversations about money usually end in raised voices, or even in a completely conflictual environment.
Sergey Tumanov communication man and woman budget advice for women Love and Family 22 June 2024A holiday romance can have not only negative but also positive aspects.
Igor Zur mistakes in relationships vacation self assessment Love and Family 20 June 2024Some men just don't realize how important gifts are for women.
Igor Zur man and woman jewelry gifts for women advice for women Love and Family 3 May 2024Is it worth paying a child to study well, and what could be the consequences?
Igor Zur Advice to parents raising children motivation and life Parents' mistakes Children 3 May 2024Three important topics to discuss at the beginning of a relationship.
Igor Zur close relationship useful tips and life hacks mistakes People and Events 18 April 2024How to learn to discuss financial issues with your significant other, and happiness will not bypass your home.
Igor Zur mistakes in relationships useful tips and life hacks marriage and love family happiness Love and Family 11 April 2024Should a man really spend money on a woman, or should the couple share the expenses equally?
Igor Zur man and woman greedy man psychology of relationships expenses Love and Family 2 March 2024