In most cases, men and women expect to create a strong and long-lasting relationship.
But experts believe that many people make mistakes right at the start that call into question their aspirations and desires.
According to clinical psychologist Zinaida Klimova, the stumbling block is the financial side of the relationship, writes .

That is, if a man or woman is looking for a soulmate who could provide for their future, then they will not be able to build a healthy relationship.
The expert points out that healthy and long-lasting relationships are not built around money.
In this case, common interests are the most important.
At the same time, partners are interested in money only as a means of supporting the family.
The psychologist also noted that often the choice of a partner occurs at an unconscious level.
The psyche unconsciously chooses what is familiar to a person.
For example, a boy who was raised by a strong-willed mother will likely choose an authoritarian woman.
And in order not to become a victim of your own subconscious again, it is better to consult a psychologist and sort out your internal contradictions.