A nutritionist told how to consume yogurt and kefir to get the maximum benefit from them.
Igor Zur maintain health benefits of yogurt Dietitian's advice diet Beauty and health 23 September 2024These fermented milk drinks have approximately the same benefits.
Kurchev Anton kefir ryazhenka benefits of ryazhenka drinks Beauty and health 20 August 2024Who and in what cases is the cucumber-kefir diet suitable for?
Igor Zur proper nutrition benefits of cucumbers healthy diet digestion Diets 12 August 2024Drinking kefir helps improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
Kurchev Anton kefir drink fat content of kefir board Beauty and health 24 July 2024A nutritionist explained in which cases the kefir diet can harm the body.
Igor Zur proper nutrition Dietitian's advice safe weight loss maintain health Diets 2 July 2024Kefir has all the characteristics necessary for a dietary product.
Kurchev Anton kefir kefir on a diet weight loss drinks Diets 20 June 2024Here are some tips to help you choose kefir that is good for weight loss.
Igor Zur healthy weight loss tips for losing weight dairy products fat content of kefir Diets 14 May 2024Of course, you can drink the drink during the daytime. But it is better to do it in the morning or in the evening.
Kurchev Anton kefir kefir before bed drink digestion Beauty and health 29 April 2024In order for milk to be digested, it must be drunk at least 2 hours before bedtime.
Timur Khomichev kefir milk benefits of kefir before bed milk before bed Diets 22 April 2024Not everyone knows how to use kefir at the dacha.
Marina Michalap kefir at the dacha using kefir advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 17 April 2024What time of day is best to drink kefir to get the most benefit, and what are its contraindications?
Igor Zur kefir at night proper nutrition healthy diet restore health Beauty and health 25 March 2024Not all foods can be combined with kefir, not just pickles and citrus fruits.
Igor Zur proper nutrition healthy diet food products mistakes Diets 17 March 2024Kefir is not recommended for drinking if a person has been diagnosed with pancreatitis, gastritis, diarrhea or exacerbation of gastric ulcer.
Igor Zur proper nutrition health condition contraindications useful tips and life hacks Diets 11 March 2024Kefir contains many beneficial microorganisms that help the stomach and intestines function properly.
Igor Zur healthy diet useful tips and life hacks how to improve digestion Beauty and health 10 March 2024When buying kefir in a store, you need to pay attention not only to the manufacturer and expiration date, but also to the percentage of fat.
Timur Khomichev kefir fat content of kefir drinking kefir food Diets 22 February 2024Fermented milk products should be included in the diet of people of retirement age.
Olga Kotova kefir elderly people drinks health Beauty and health 12 February 2024It is healthy to drink kefir both in the morning and in the evening, but there are some nuances.
Timur Khomichev kefir drinking kefir harm of kefir benefits and harms of kefir Diets 3 February 2024Experts advise people with a weak stomach to consume kefir separately from other products.
Timur Khomichev kefir drinking kefir benefits and harms of kefir product compatibility Beauty and health 12 January 2024