Bananas are healthy and tasty fruits that can sometimes even replace dessert. But sometimes you need the fruits to last as long as possible. You can extend their shelf life if you know some tricks.
Olga Kotova bananas storage food storage fruits Useful tips 28 March 2024As you age, it can be harder to find new friends, but it can be even harder to reconnect with old friends with whom you parted ways at some point.
Olga Kotova friendship relationship Friends old friend People and Events 28 March 2024When choosing a carrier, you need to remember that the pet should be able to stand, sit, lie down and turn around inside. It is important to understand that a cat squeezed into a small carrier will only feel discomfort.
Olga Kotova There are cats living in the apartment cats cat pets Pets 27 March 2024Sometimes it happens that during work it is difficult to take a break and go for lunch. As a result, you want to save yourself from hunger with another cup of coffee and sweets from the nearest buffet. But this will only negatively affect your health and figure
Olga Kotova a snack work food products health People and Events 27 March 2024This habit is considered harmful. After all, there are always too many bacteria on your hands, which can eventually cause health problems.
Olga Kotova bad habit habit nails beauty People and Events 27 March 2024Parents were told why and how to criticize children correctly.
Igor Zur raising children Advice to parents criticism child development Children 27 March 2024How to get out of a toxic relationship - three tips from a psychologist.
Igor Zur used in relationships toxic relationship man and woman psychologists Love and Family 27 March 2024Summer residents were told about all the cases when wood ash should not be used at all.
Igor Zur harvest natural fertilizer wood ash mistakes of summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 27 March 2024There is a way that will help you prolong your well-being and allow you to feel better for as long as possible.
Olga Kotova happiness happiness in life methods joy Beauty and health 27 March 2024On the first date, both parties can often be nervous. There is still a fear of not being liked by the new acquaintance, and there may also be a fear of making the wrong choice.
Olga Kotova Love first date date relationship Love and Family 26 March 2024Just two mistakes during repairs can result in additional costs.
Igor Zur Designer's tips repair errors impeccable interior electricity Design and interior 26 March 2024Many people want to learn how to get more done. After all, in a world where speed and productivity are becoming key components of success, you need to know a few useful rules.
Olga Kotova how to increase productivity productivity the rules People and Events 26 March 2024Experts have named three exercises that will help you overcome your own laziness.
Igor Zur advice from psychologists force loves nature hormones People and Events 26 March 2024Relationships need to be saved from boredom, otherwise partners can start living their own lives - in the worst possible way.
Igor Zur mistakes in relationships healthy relationships men and women spouses Love and Family 26 March 2024The quality of sleep depends on such things. If a child sleeps poorly, it will negatively affect his well-being and mood.
Olga Kotova children and family textile bed sheets Useful tips 26 March 2024Sour tomatoes ripen on bushes that suffer from a lack of phosphorus, potassium, boron, and magnesium.
Igor Zur tomatoes tips for gardeners summer resident mistakes growing tomatoes Garden and Vegetable Garden 26 March 2024Pear is considered a capricious crop and requires due attention at all stages of growth.
Igor Zur planting pears tips for gardeners tree care natural fertilizer Garden and Vegetable Garden 26 March 2024A few tips to help you choose wallpaper for your kitchen and avoid common problems.
Igor Zur repair errors Designer's tips kitchen in the apartment how to choose wallpaper Design and interior 26 March 2024Summer residents were reminded how to prepare the soil in a garden bed for planting tomato seedlings.
Igor Zur healthy seedlings transplanting seedlings fertilization increasing crop yields Garden and Vegetable Garden 25 March 2024Scientists have proven that daily consumption of avocado improves the quality of the diet.
Igor Zur benefits of avocado dietary nutrition health and habits research by scientists Diets 25 March 2024