Cooking squid – what could be easier?
Elena Shimanovskaya squid recipes trick cooking cooking Cooking 12 January 2024How to cook squid correctly - methods of cooking in cold and hot water.
Igor Zur squid recipes cooking squid culinary tricks Cooking 22 December 2023This popular dish can lead to health problems
Olga Kotova meat nutrition health Beauty and health 27 July 2023Shrimp is a product that is important not to overcook, so that it does not turn into rubber.
Elena Shimanovskaya shrimp hot trick cooking cooking Cooking 9 June 2023If you cook the shrimp again, the product will become tough.
Sergey Tumanov shrimp cooking trick methods Cooking 3 June 2023Shrimp can be given the title of almost the most versatile product in terms of cooking.
Elena Shimanovskaya shrimp recipe cooking cooking Cooking 13 May 2023Probably no cat would refuse shrimps, which have a rich smell and an equally bright taste.
Elena Shimanovskaya cats cats animals pets shrimp Pets 3 May 2023Why women need to include seaweed, squid and other seafood in their diet.
Igor Zur nutrition women beauty vitamins Diets 1 May 2023Squids are famous for their capricious “character” – the slightest mistake and the product is irreparably spoiled.
Elena Shimanovskaya squid trick cooking cooking Cooking 29 April 2023Three fillings for dumplings that will pleasantly surprise you.
Igor Zur kitchen recipes dumplings mushrooms Cooking 17 March 2023Simple squid salad - eggs, cucumbers and mayonnaise.
Igor Zur kitchen recipes preparation salads Cooking 17 March 2023Large shrimp have a vein (intestine) on the upper part of the back, which looks like a thin vein.
Elena Shimanovskaya shrimp cleaning cleaning methods Cooking 5 March 2023Few people know that you can improve the familiar taste of stewed cabbage using fairly simple ingredients.
Marina Michalap cooking cabbage board cooking Cooking 15 February 2023The state of the body depends on the diet. That is why you should always choose your products carefully.
Olga Kotova products fish nutrition heart Beauty and health 15 February 2023How to properly defrost and cook shrimp.
Igor Zur kitchen board preparation trick Cooking 10 February 2023As you know, shrimp meat is very tender, so the most important commandment when cooking seafood is “Do not overcook.”
Elena Shimanovskaya shrimp trick time cooking cooking Cooking 7 February 2023Squid is not only a tasty, but also a very healthy seafood product.
Elena Shimanovskaya squid cleaning cleaning methods Cooking 2 February 2023Squid meat can become rubbery due to salt - sometimes it should not be added at all.
Igor Zur kitchen salt trick mistakes Cooking 1 February 2023Frying shrimp is not that difficult - it's just a way to diversify your menu.
Igor Zur hot board kitchen cooking Cooking 31 January 2023Recipe for pear baked with cheese and shrimp in the oven.
Igor Zur kitchen recipes fruits cheese Cooking 30 January 2023