6 Seafoods Women Should Definitely Eat

01.05.2023 11:30

A woman's youth and beauty directly depend on her health.

Positive emotions, lifestyle and balanced nutrition are the basis for maintaining shape and attractiveness for many years.

Oranges and chocolate will always help to increase stress resistance and lift your mood, but for the best results, a thorough approach to your diet is desirable.

The diet is recommended to consist mainly of vegetables, legumes, eggs, dairy products, rice and seafood, which are the richest in beneficial compounds, microelements and vitamins.

The secret of beauty and longevity of Asian women lies largely in the regular consumption of seafood.

Shrimp Seafood
Photo: Pixabay

How are seafood beneficial for the female body and what do they contain?


Laminaria, or "seaweed", occupies a leading position in iodine content. The product is especially recommended for use in case of problems with thyroid hormones.

Daily consumption of salads with a small amount of seaweed added will have a beneficial effect on metabolism, the functioning of the heart muscle and intestinal tract, improve memory, prevent obesity, blood clots, and provide prevention of cancer and atherosclerosis.

In addition, "seaweed" will help to cope with stress and depression, increasing the overall resistance of the body. Laminaria contains vitamins of groups B, C, A, D, phosphorus, iron and other useful micro- and macroelements that prevent vitamin deficiency and anemia.

Sea scallops

Scallops have the largest amount of proteins, vitamins, are easily digestible, and are quite filling.

The product contains a minimum amount of calories, which makes it dietary, helping to get rid of excess weight. Scallops are rich in elements that improve the condition of the skin, slow down aging and support the health of the reproductive system.

Magnesium, iron, selenium, zinc and other useful substances help to improve immunity, brain function, preventing the occurrence of diabetes, cardiovascular and other diseases.


Squid, being a dietary product, has a high concentration of polyunsaturated omega-3 fats, which has a positive effect on regulating blood cholesterol levels, preventing heart and autoimmune diseases. This unique product stimulates cell regeneration, promoting overall rejuvenation of the body.

Strong nails, healthy hair, smooth and moisturized skin - this is an incomplete list of the benefits that squid meat can bring to the female body. Squid is rich in proteins, vitamins PP, C, E, B6, among other microelements it contains potassium, which is important for the heart, and selenium, which cleanses the body of heavy metal salts.

Being a natural aphrodisiac, squid is also known as "sea ginseng". The mollusk, which has a delicate structure and mild taste, is often combined with other products, added to salads and served with a side dish.


Oysters are a fairly low-calorie product, characterized by a large amount of protein and a wide range of useful substances.

It contains calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper, iodine, powerful antioxidants – selenium and zinc, vitamins B, C, PP and other elements.

The properties of oysters normalize the menstrual cycle and have a balancing effect on the female body during menopause. The arginine they contain actively promotes hair growth and volume, smoothes out fine wrinkles, and thiamine restores vital energy and performance.

The mollusk is effective in a complex of anti-cellulite measures, for skin diseases, Alzheimer's disease and other ailments. Oysters are a well-known aphrodisiac, often an integral part of a romantic dinner. For better absorption, it is recommended to eat them with a slice of bread and butter.

Red caviar

Red caviar is one of the main products necessary for maintaining women's health. It contains the "vitamin of beauty" - folic acid, which has a beneficial effect on the skin, hair and nails.

This substance promotes the preservation and regeneration of cells, reduces increased nervous excitability. Vitamin B9 plays an important role in the formation of the fetus's skeleton and has a positive effect on the well-being of the expectant mother, so it is especially advisable to eat red caviar during pregnancy planning.

The eggs contain a complex of vitamins B, A, C, D, E, omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, iron, phosphorus, iodine, sulfur and other microelements.

With its rich chemical composition, red caviar has a beneficial effect on the functions of the entire body, preventing the occurrence of blood clots, strengthening the skeletal system, increasing hemoglobin, normalizing blood circulation. Including a moderate amount of red caviar in the daily diet will ensure the prevention of vascular diseases, visual apparatus, skin diseases, depression, atherosclerosis.


Mackerel restores the female body in the postmenstrual and climacteric periods, replenishing the lack of vitamin D, which in turn provides calcium to the bones, preventing their fragility. The elements contained in the fish prevent the formation of breast cancer.

Among the many useful substances, mackerel contains a large amount of vitamin B12. The latter performs a vital function in the process of hematopoiesis, the production of digestive enzymes, the regulation of hormonal functions and metabolism.

The presence of vitamin PP protects mucous membranes and skin, fights fatigue and weakness. Mackerel meat quickly saturates, reducing the level of ghrelin, a hormone responsible for the feeling of hunger. Due to this, eating this fish is excellent for weight loss and control.

Among the particularly important substances contained in mackerel, we can highlight “good” cholesterol, which is responsible for cleansing blood vessels, fluorine, phosphorus, omega-3 fatty acids, chromium, sodium and iodine.

Regular consumption of mackerel meat will have a positive effect on cerebral circulation, improving memory, relieving spasms, headaches and joint pain, and lowering blood sugar levels.

In addition, fish will help in the fight against viral and bacterial infections, providing a rapid increase in the number of antibodies and the formation of strong immunity. For women's health, Atlantic mackerel is most useful.

It is important to emphasize that seafood, while incredibly healthy, can also trigger allergic reactions. When planning your diet, it is important to maintain a sense of proportion, take into account existing health problems, and be sure to consult a doctor before including any exotic seafood in your diet.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Seaweed
  2. Sea scallops
  3. Squid
  4. Oysters
  5. Red caviar
  6. Mackerel