What to Eat to Live to 100? Secrets of the Long-Livers' Diet

05.02.2024 06:50

In some parts of the world, you can find many people who have crossed the hundred-year mark.

Their longevity is so astonishing that scientists have dubbed the regions where they live “blue zones.” There are currently five such places.

What is the secret of the people living here? First of all, in proper nutrition! Following their gastronomic habits, we will give ourselves a chance to live a long and happy life.

Blue Zones

Scientists have identified 5 zones with large concentrations of people aged 100 years and older. These places include:

• Italian Sardinia;
• Japanese Okinawa;
• Greek Ikaria;
• Loma Linda in the USA;
• Nicoya in Costa Rica.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Diet of long-livers

The diet of long-livers has its own characteristics. It is based on the consumption of plant and whole grain products, as well as beans and other legumes.

Wine lovers will be pleased to know that this drink is also often found in the diet of long-livers.

Regular consumption of quality red wine ensures longevity, but it should be drunk in small portions.

Nicoya in Costa Rica

In Nicoya, an early light supper is important. The region's residents emphasize corn (often cooked in slaked lime) and oranges, which contain not only vitamin C but also potassium and fiber.

Greek Ikaria

The Greek island of Ikaria has a strong Mediterranean diet, based on fruits, vegetables, whole grains and olive oil.

Goat's milk, potatoes and fish are also common here. Herbal teas are popular.

Loma Linda

Loma Linda is located in the United States, the birthplace of obesity and diabetes. It is almost the only region in America whose residents avoid fast food and other unhealthy foods.

The local population's diet is based on nuts, and longevity is believed to be the result of drinking large amounts of water.

Italian Sardinia

Curiously, in Sardinia there are twice as many 100-year-old men as 100-year-old women.

The island's inhabitants pay special attention to grain products made from barley and wheat. They are partial to legumes, potatoes, and dairy products from goats and sheep. Cheeses such as ricotta and pecorino are popular here.

The island diet also includes meat, especially pork, although it only appears on holidays and Sundays. There is also an emphasis on fresh and dried vegetables, and red wine.

Okinawa holds the record for longest life

Okinawa is a Japanese island with an average life expectancy of 84 years. The local diet is based on the principle of "eat until you feel 80% full." This can create an energy deficit.

Sweet potatoes, tofu, and miso soup are an important part of the daily diet of Okinawans. The most common meat they eat is pork, and the spices they use are turmeric and ginger.

Earlier we talked about how to properly arrange food in the refrigerator .

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Blue Zones
  2. Diet of long-livers
  3. Nicoya in Costa Rica
  4. Greek Ikaria
  5. Loma Linda
  6. Italian Sardinia