Shrimp are among the most popular seafood.
Many gourmets like this food because it has a unique taste.
However, the meal can only be enjoyed if the shrimp are soft and tender.

But very often the dish becomes tough.
A common reason for shrimp being tough
Every gourmet should take into account the following: in the vast majority of cases, the shrimp sold in the store are already cooked. The proof is their pink color.
Yes, the product is frozen. But this does not mean that it is not cooked at all.
If you cook the shrimp again, the product will become tough.
To keep the shrimp soft, you can't keep them in boiling water for too long. Five minutes of boiling water is enough to defrost and cook them to perfection.
But it’s better not to put the dish into liquid at all.
How to cook shrimps correctly
Steaming is the ideal way to process frozen shrimp.
The procedure should last for five minutes. And then the dish will have the perfect consistency. The shrimp will be incredibly tender.
In addition, the dish will retain its bright taste: the liquid will not “take it away”.