Latest news for March 5, 2023


We explain what the cat wants to tell the owner with this gesture.

Timur Khomichev cat cats cats pets animals Pets

The fastest domestic cat, the Egyptian Mau, can reach speeds of up to 50 km/h.

Timur Khomichev cat cats cats pets animals Pets

Often cat owners notice that their pet, who recently regularly used the toilet, has stopped using the litter box.

Elena Shimanovskaya cats cats tray behavior reasons Pets
The set table

A tablecloth that is constantly slipping off the dining table is a problem for many neat housewives.

Elena Shimanovskaya board life hacks food film benefit application Useful tips
Sprat with bread

Even small fish like sprat, anchovy and capelin can be cooked in such a way that you won’t be able to drag them away by the ears.

Elena Shimanovskaya fish cooking cooking recipe Cooking

Such aromatic products as onions, garlic, fish and the like inevitably leave a “memory” of themselves in the form of a bright smell that permeates the hands of the housewife who worked with them.

Elena Shimanovskaya scent smells products hands washing means Useful tips

Instead of taking up space on the windowsill with kohlrabi seedlings, you can try planting them directly in the ground, as well as other cabbages.

Elena Shimanovskaya cabbage vegetables garden growing seedling Garden and Vegetable Garden

It would seem that when there is a supply of cereals, flour and other groceries, you can breathe a sigh of relief, but it was not so.

Elena Shimanovskaya cereals pain storage mole prevention Cooking
Pepper seedlings

Sowing pepper seedlings is a responsible process that requires certain skills and abilities.

Elena Shimanovskaya pepper vegetables garden seeds seedling mistakes Garden and Vegetable Garden
Plate with dough

It is unlikely that anyone has ever met a housewife who would like to wash the dishes left over from making dough.

Elena Shimanovskaya a vessel washing board life hacks Useful tips

The brain cannot think of nothing. This "apparatus" is designed in such a way that it endlessly spins different thoughts in the head and makes some conclusions.

Valeria Kisternaya psychology People technique board alarm People and Events
young woman

Tears are unfairly perceived by us as something negative. You can often hear stereotypical phrases: "Don't cry", "Men don't cry".

Valeria Kisternaya psychology tears board People People and Events
girl balls

Increasing a child's self-esteem is an important parental task. There are several psychological tips for this.

Valeria Kisternaya psychology self assessment children and family parents child Children

However, in many cases, parents still miss some aspects of upbringing.

Yana Lysova upbringing children and family parents Love and Family
White room

You need to decorate your home in white tones at least to make it visually larger.

Elena Shimanovskaya color Interior pollution cleaning the apartment Designer's tips Design and interior

The desire to close pipes and other communications in the bathroom and toilet is understandable, but, unfortunately, it is not feasible.

Elena Shimanovskaya bathroom cabinet Interior Designer's tips Design and interior