We tell you how much lard you can eat per day without harming your health.
Timur Khomichev fat consumption of lard benefits and harms of lard proper nutrition Cooking 18 December 2023We tell you which products cannot be combined with meat.
Timur Khomichev meat products food products proper nutrition Cooking 18 December 2023Elderly people should be careful when consuming honey and dishes containing it.
Timur Khomichev honey elderly people harm of honey proper nutrition Beauty and health 18 December 2023A plastic container is a convenient and popular type of container that allows you to store food or food products in the refrigerator.
Dmitry Liskovich container fat how to clean container life hack for housewives Useful tips 18 December 2023Experts say that in this case the body will be saturated with potassium, and this happens very rarely.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news food products fruits bananas Beauty and health 17 December 2023Experts advise removing the sprout before consumption to reduce the risk of stomach irritation.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news food products vegetables garlic Diets 17 December 2023Nutritionists have placed a taboo on milk and cold water. Otherwise, they say, you will have indigestion.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news food products fruits persimmon Cooking 17 December 2023If you eat everything with bread, you can get problems with the gastrointestinal tract, nutritionists warn.
Timur Khomichev bread products nutrition proper nutrition Cooking 15 December 2023We'll tell you about three dishes that need to be cooled before eating.
Timur Khomichev products nutrition proper nutrition hot food Cooking 15 December 2023Every housewife stores food in the refrigerator in her own way, but there is a certain category of rules that should not be violated.
Dmitry Liskovich refrigerator the rules storage rules food in the fridge Useful tips 15 December 2023Here are some helpful tips to help you stay awake on New Year's Eve: drink water and eat plenty of protein.
Igor Zur New Year Christmas mood causes of fatigue alcohol Useful tips 15 December 2023To ensure that honey retains its beneficial properties for a long time, it must be handled properly.
Timur Khomichev honey honey storage rules for storing honey products Useful tips 14 December 2023Not everyone knows how to properly cook delicious and juicy liver.
Marina Michalap cooking liver juicy liver liver cooking Cooking 14 December 2023The dog may be bored or in pain. It is also possible that the pet is hungry.
Kurchev Anton dogs dog problems dog behavior health Pets 14 December 2023We'll tell you about five products that you shouldn't combine with eggs.
Timur Khomichev eggs chicken eggs products proper nutrition Cooking 13 December 2023While many small breed dogs are physically unable to reach the table to steal food, some pooches tend to be resourceful, so you should always be careful.
Elena Shimanovskaya dogs dog training theft dog food Pets 13 December 2023We'll tell you about two products that shouldn't be combined with potatoes.
Timur Khomichev potato potatoes products proper nutrition Cooking 12 December 2023The additive is needed to give the dish the ideal consistency.
Kurchev Anton pancake recipe vinegar pancakes culinary tricks Cooking 12 December 2023Everyone knows about the benefits of bananas, but few people know that in combination with certain products this fruit can be harmful to health.
Timur Khomichev bananas fruits food products proper nutrition Cooking 11 December 2023Combining buckwheat with certain foods can be harmful.
Timur Khomichev buckwheat buckwheat groats products proper nutrition Cooking 8 December 2023