Never do this with honey: you will ruin the product and undermine your health.

14.12.2023 22:42

To ensure that honey retains its beneficial properties for a long time, it must be handled properly.

We tell you what you should never do with this product.

What not to do with honey

First and foremost, honey cannot be heated above 40 degrees.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Heat treatment makes this healthy product harmful, so you shouldn't add it to hot tea or baked goods.

Secondly, you cannot eat honey directly from the jar in which it is stored.

You need to scoop honey from the jar with a clean, dry spoon. Moisture can easily spoil the honey.

In addition, you cannot close a jar of honey with a wet lid.

Previously, we told you how to make a high-quality washing gel from budget funds.

Timur Khomichev Author: Timur Khomichev Internet resource editor

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