Elena Shimanovskaya

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Frances Banks from Great Britain left this world in 1965. A month and a half after her death, she began to describe the events that take place in the afterlife.

Elena Shimanovskaya afterlife what awaits a person after death death otherworldly phenomenon what awaits us after death People and Events 5 October 2024

October gradually and gently brings us closer to deep autumn. The golden season still pleases with warmth, but soon the cold weather will come.

Elena Shimanovskaya weather weather forecast weather for the week October weather forecast for the week Society 5 October 2024

Appearance plays a significant role in a person’s life: take at least the fact that mood, well-being and self-esteem depend on the condition of the skin and hair.

Elena Shimanovskaya makeup cosmetics skin beautiful skin skin care Beauty and health 5 October 2024

In a situation where your partner doesn't get along with your friends, you find yourself between two fires: you don't want to leave your significant other without attention, nor do you want to stop communicating with your friends.

Elena Shimanovskaya Love relationship Friends friendly communication friendship Love and Family 5 October 2024
Children's room

Questions regarding co-sleeping – its appropriateness, possibility and duration – should be decided on an individual basis.

Elena Shimanovskaya co-sleeping co-sleeping with baby council mom dad upbringing child Children 5 October 2024

A sports bag often becomes a source of unpleasant odor, which is not surprising, since its direct purpose is to store and transport clothes and shoes for training.

Elena Shimanovskaya bag sports bag unpleasant smell smell of sweat life hacks Useful tips 5 October 2024

Not all elements of the Soviet interior should be mercilessly sent to the trash: this applies, first of all, to cast-iron heating radiators.

Elena Shimanovskaya battery cast iron batteries Interior dye Designer's tips Design and interior 5 October 2024

Valeria Chekalina and her ex-husband Artem were detained once again and charged with yet another fraudulent scheme.

Elena Shimanovskaya Lerchek Chekalina Valeria blogger Lera Kudryavtseva taxes Show business 5 October 2024

Pink salmon meat is widely used in cooking, but many housewives who have had to buy it, pay attention to the suspicious “looseness” of the flesh of this fish.

Elena Shimanovskaya red-faced fish pink salmon meat food products frozen fish Cooking 5 October 2024

Today is Saturday, October 5, 2024. Day 279 of the year according to the Gregorian calendar. There are 87 days left until the end of the year.

Elena Shimanovskaya Moon calendar church history folk signs holidays today what holiday is today holidays in october Holidays 5 October 2024

According to summer residents who have been growing ornamental crops on their plots for many years, autumn and winter sowing are a real paradise for flowers.

Elena Shimanovskaya plants flowers autumn winter sowing sowing flowers Garden and Vegetable Garden 4 October 2024

If you are a cosmetologist or integrative neurologist who does not always follow the principles of evidence-based medicine, you have probably heard from them the advice to use magnesium salt while taking a bath.

Elena Shimanovskaya bathroom salt magnesium salt magnesium bath salt health Beauty and health 4 October 2024

While your family members are unable to sleep due to your snoring, you may not even realize that you snore.

Elena Shimanovskaya dreams snore snoring sound sleep disorder awakening People and Events 4 October 2024

Puff pastry is a real lifesaver for a housewife who needs to quickly set the table for guests or treat her family to something tasty for tea.

Elena Shimanovskaya baking puff pastry dough defrosting defrosting dough Cooking 4 October 2024

Those who follow a particular diet in an effort to achieve their dream figure very often refuse bread, citing as justification that bread has too many calories, and therefore is not suitable for weight loss.

Elena Shimanovskaya diet bread nutrition food products bread on a diet Diets 4 October 2024

Experienced gardeners know how to root petunia cuttings without first soaking the shoot in water.

Elena Shimanovskaya petunias flowers rooting rooting cuttings petunia cuttings Garden and Vegetable Garden 4 October 2024