Yeast dough is used to prepare many delicious dishes - buns, pies, pizza and much more.
Elena Shimanovskaya dough yeast dough baking homemade baked goods Cooking 5 February 2025The cook told how to deliciously stew cabbage without meat.
Igor Zur delicious stewed cabbage cooking and recipes cooking and food Chef's Tips Cooking 4 February 2025The chef told how to prepare a salad with crab sticks and Korean carrots.
Igor Zur Salad additives quick recipes Chef's Tips kitchen Cooking 3 February 2025It is impossible to cook beets whole in 10 minutes in the traditional way (in a saucepan), since it is a dense root vegetable that requires long heat treatment.
Sergey Tumanov boiled beets beet culinary secrets Cooking 3 February 2025The chef told how to cook delicious chicken cutlets with sour cream and cheese.
Igor Zur chicken cutlets tips for housewives delicious recipes cooking and food Cooking 3 February 2025Fried dumplings are certainly a tasty and filling dish, which is also quick to prepare.
Elena Shimanovskaya dumplings fried dumplings delicious dumplings hot Cooking 3 February 2025How to make a nutritious and healthy breakfast, rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber.
Igor Zur healthy eating cereals cooking buckwheat useful substances Cooking 2 February 2025Adding garlic to dishes results in their aroma becoming stronger and their taste becoming richer.
Elena Shimanovskaya garlic eating garlic microwave oven life hacks Cooking 31 January 2025Such a healthy product as liver should certainly be present in the diet of every person, since it provides the body with many vitamins and microelements.
Elena Shimanovskaya liver how to cook liver liver offal Cooking 30 January 2025The chef explained why you shouldn’t fry things in vegetable oil.
Igor Zur Chef's Tips delicious frying first courses vegetable oil Cooking 30 January 2025Stewed cabbage is a tasty and nutritious dish that will give worthy competition to “classic” side dishes like potatoes, pasta or porridge.
Elena Shimanovskaya cabbage stewed cabbage delicious stewed cabbage cooking Cooking 29 January 2025It's unlikely that anyone would be able to refuse an offer of fried fish.
Elena Shimanovskaya fish fried fish fried fish in a frying pan salt Cooking 29 January 2025The cook told how to cook viscous barley porridge in water correctly and deliciously.
Igor Zur cereals cooking and food healthy food delicious porridge Cooking 29 January 2025Even if you don’t bother too much with the preparation, buckwheat porridge still turns out tender and crumbly.
Elena Shimanovskaya buckwheat how to cook buckwheat buckwheat recipe turmeric Cooking 28 January 2025Have you ever noticed that some types of potatoes take much longer to cook than others?
Elena Shimanovskaya potatoes boiled potatoes boiled potatoes how to cook potatoes Cooking 27 January 2025The chef explained why you should add fried bones to chicken broth.
Igor Zur cooking and food delicious recipes broth Chef's Tips Cooking 27 January 2025Perhaps every housewife has a couple of culinary tricks up her sleeve that make cooking easier and the dishes tastier.
Elena Shimanovskaya vinegar jacket potatoes beans life hacks Cooking 25 January 2025It turns out that such cucumbers can be easily “fixed”.
Kurchev Anton cucumbers pickles crispy cucumbers tomato juice Cooking 24 January 2025It's hard to find a gourmet who doesn't like fried onions. After all, this golden mass is not only delicious on its own, but also perfectly complements various side dishes.
Kurchev Anton fried onions pain sugar tips for gourmets Cooking 23 January 2025It is believed that the half of an onion left over after cooking should not be put in the refrigerator.
Elena Shimanovskaya onion onions avocado food storage Cooking 23 January 2025