The cook told how to make cabbage soup from sauerkraut.
Igor Zur sauerkraut cooking ideas cooking and recipes tips for housewives Cooking 15 January 2025The cook told how to cook Lenten cabbage soup with sauerkraut and mushrooms.
Igor Zur Lenten dishes mushroom dishes cooking ideas sauerkraut Cooking 12 December 2024The cook told how to cook a delicious and healthy tomato soup.
Igor Zur cooking tomatoes delicious recipes Chef's Tips Cooking 3 October 2024A recipe for real cabbage soup - with sauerkraut and beef.
Igor Zur cooking delicious recipes cooking ideas Chef's Tips Cooking 8 September 2024A recipe for a refreshing cucumber and avocado soup - an alternative to okroshka and cold soup.
Igor Zur cooking delicious recipes cooking ideas Chef's Tips Cooking 17 June 2024The cook told how to prepare a cold soup with kefir - a hearty and refreshing dish.
Igor Zur cooking Chef's Tips kefir green Cooking 29 May 2024Not everyone knows how to lighten broth using a chicken egg.
Marina Michalap clear broth Cooking 16 March 2024A recipe for a delicious cream soup with chicken, vegetables and cheese.
Igor Zur cooking kitchen mashed soup chicken Cooking 24 January 2024It is no secret that when “immersed” in boiling water, greens quickly lose their bright color and, along with it, their appetizing appearance.
Elena Shimanovskaya green soup life hacks cooking Cooking 16 January 2024