In the republic, parents of disabled children can apply for a four-day work week.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news Belarus Belarus News work parents SocietyCurrently, experts are determining the cause of the fire and the circumstances of the incident.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news Minsk region News of Minsk region fire cars IncidentsThe nervous system of young children is characterized by “immaturity”.
Kurchev Anton children's behavior the child is crying tears Parents' mistakes Advice to parents ChildrenThe left-wing party "France Insubordinate" has put forward a vote of no confidence in Barnier, an initiative supported by Marine Le Pen's "National Rally".
Pavel Gospodarik Top news France News from France government resignation In the worldThai diplomats describe tom yum kung as "the embodiment of a food culture based on observing and learning from nature."
Pavel Gospodarik Top news Thailand Thailand News soup UNESCO CultureThis action will help stop the process of burning and blackening of the onion.
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Pavel Gospodarik Top news Cuba Cuba News electricity accident In the worldThe insect can cause serious damage not only to onions, but also to garlic and bulbous flowers.
Kurchev Anton onion fly pests life hacks with salt salt at the dacha advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable GardenThe traditional Russian dish is quite heavy and high in calories.
Kurchev Anton pancakes dishes dinner diet how to eat right DietsIt turns out that the vast majority of people cook omelettes incorrectly.
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Timur Khomichev signs folk signs weather signs weather signs Society2-3 weeks after the cabbage seedlings have been planted in open ground, they need to be fed with a solution of cow manure.
Kurchev Anton cabbage how to feed cabbage fertilizers cow dung advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable GardenSome schoolchildren become victims of bullying. Some do not suffer from bullying, but still do not communicate with their peers and almost do not interact with them.
Kurchev Anton parents and children bullying problems raising children Advice to parents ChildrenFew people prepare this traditional New Year's snack correctly.
Kurchev Anton sandwiches with caviar red caviar baton tricks cooking ideas CookingPlanning to feed your furry friend? Don't rush to put food in the bowl! First, pet your four-legged friend.
Kurchev Anton pets cat behavior pet the cat how to feed a cat Tips for cat owners PetsToday is Thursday, December 5, 2024. Day 340 of the year according to the Gregorian calendar. There are 26 days left until the end of the year.
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