Even store-bought dumplings can become a culinary masterpiece. You just need to give up two standard options for processing frozen products.
Kurchev Anton dumplings delicious dumplings baking preparation Cooking 8 January 2025This water can easily be used as an additive to soup.
Kurchev Anton corn canned food water culinary tricks Cooking 7 January 2025The chef told how to prepare a light and delicious salad "Chicken in a fur coat" and what ingredients are needed.
Igor Zur delicious recipes delicious salads chicken Christmas Cooking 6 January 2025The cook told how to prepare a cottage cheese casserole with carrots.
Igor Zur breakfast dishes cottage cheese dishes carrot dishes cooking and food Cooking 4 January 2025The cook told how to bake a simple but very tasty Christmas cake.
Igor Zur delicious pastries Christmas Chef's Tips cooking and food Cooking 3 January 2025The cook told how to cook healthy chicken broth with vegetables.
Igor Zur cooking and food Chef's Tips kitchen broth Cooking 3 January 2025Want to make homemade dumplings, but too lazy to mess around with the dough? Then pay attention to one interesting way of preparing a popular dish.
Kurchev Anton dumplings cooking dumplings pain egg stuffing Cooking 2 January 2025The chef told how to make boulangere at home and what you need for it.
Igor Zur cooking and food delicious recipes Potato dishes tips for housewives Cooking 2 January 2025How to make a tuna salad - variations on the theme "Herring under a fur coat".
Igor Zur cooking cooking and food fish New Year's salads Cooking 31 December 2024The chef told how to prepare the "Velvet" salad with crab sticks and vegetables.
Igor Zur cooking delicious salads New Year's snacks crab sticks Cooking 30 December 2024How to make a marinade for salting mackerel - the fish can be eaten after 12 hours.
Igor Zur Chef's Tips marinade recipe salting of fish snacks Cooking 30 December 2024Carrot, Mandarin and Apple Salad - bright carrots go well with green or red apple, mandarin and lemon juice.
Igor Zur delicious salad carrot dishes snacks Chef's Tips Cooking 30 December 2024The cook told how to make delicious sprat sandwiches - a bright and memorable dish.
Igor Zur cooking sandwiches with sprats New Year's snacks Chef's Tips Cooking 27 December 2024Perhaps this salad will fill the empty space on your holiday table.
Igor Zur cooking Christmas festive dishes how to make salad Cooking 26 December 2024It's better to bake these sausages.
Kurchev Anton sausages delicious sausages baking delicious recipes Cooking 26 December 2024The cook told how to bake a simple and delicious cake with cream made from boiled condensed milk and sour cream.
Igor Zur homemade baked goods desserts cake recipe condensed milk Cooking 25 December 2024The cook told how to bake mashed potatoes with cheese in the oven.
Igor Zur New Year's dishes side dish recipe Potato dishes Chef's Tips Cooking 25 December 2024Do you like pizza and pelmeni? Did you know that these two dishes can be combined?
Kurchev Anton pizza dumplings dishes interesting recipes Cooking 25 December 2024The chef told how to prepare the “Tsar’s roll” from red fish and boiled vegetables.
Igor Zur cooking delicious recipes New Year's snacks fish dishes Cooking 24 December 2024Cooked too many boiled potatoes for lunch? Couldn't finish that side dish? Don't worry!
Kurchev Anton potato boiled potatoes flatbreads potato pancakes Cooking 24 December 2024