The housewives were told how to prepare beer batter for frying shrimp.
Igor Zur cooking batter recipes how to fry shrimp beer Cooking 29 February 2024Why is it so important to skim off the foam when making soup?
Igor Zur home cooking cooking soup tips for housewives trick soup Useful tips 29 February 2024What to do if there is a lot of sugar in your tea - several ways to reduce the concentration.
Igor Zur hot drinks use of sugar useful tips and life hacks proper nutrition Diets 29 February 2024Housewives were reminded about what dishes to prepare for each day of Maslenitsa week.
Igor Zur making pancakes Carnival traditional food holidays and calendar Cooking 28 February 2024Housewives try to undercook pasta - it is worth taking a closer look at why they do this.
Igor Zur proper nutrition delicious pasta cooking pasta cooking Diets 28 February 2024How to make delicious pancakes that will be gobbled up without any filling - we prepare dough with cottage cheese.
Igor Zur making pancakes recipes with cottage cheese tips for housewives Carnival Cooking 27 February 2024How to make chocolate pancakes - not the most difficult recipe.
Igor Zur making pancakes cocoa powder dark chocolate tips for housewives Cooking 27 February 2024Recipe for pancakes - perfectly thin and suitable for any filling.
Igor Zur making pancakes tips for housewives kitchen culinary tricks Cooking 26 February 2024A recipe for a once popular salad - chicken with prunes and nuts.
Igor Zur cooking salad recipe chicken prunes Cooking 26 February 2024Here are a few products that you can safely combine with buckwheat.
Igor Zur proper nutrition healthy habits food products buckwheat groats Diets 25 February 2024What additives will turn pancakes into a real culinary masterpiece.
Igor Zur cooking delicious pancakes red fish tips for housewives Cooking 24 February 2024One of the most common ways to ruin coffee is to overheat it.
Igor Zur coffee taste culinary mistakes making coffee coffee beans Useful tips 24 February 2024Puree can be made very tasty, but for this it is important to combine it correctly with other products.
Igor Zur proper nutrition food products mashed potatoes diet Diets 24 February 2024Two options for making dumpling sauce with vinegar.
Igor Zur preparation life hacks with vinegar delicious dumplings make sauce Cooking 23 February 2024Recipe for cooking liver in French style - with vegetables, sour cream and cheese.
Igor Zur cooking liver delicious recipes food products oven recipes Cooking 22 February 2024The recipe for croissants with cottage cheese dough couldn't be simpler.
Igor Zur preparation cottage cheese dishes homemade baked goods food products Cooking 21 February 2024All the spices that can be used when boiling, frying or stewing potatoes.
Igor Zur fried potatoes seasonings and spices boil potatoes deliciously tips for housewives Cooking 20 February 2024A recipe for delicious and juicy cutlets with vegetables made from 100 grams of minced meat.
Igor Zur cooking cutlets with onions tips for housewives minced meat dishes Cooking 19 February 2024Recipe for tomato sauce for stewing cutlets or other dishes.
Igor Zur cooking gravy recipe tips for housewives soviet cuisine Cooking 19 February 2024Just one ingredient will change your idea of fish fried in batter.
Igor Zur cooking fried fish delicious batter tips for housewives Cooking 16 February 2024