Minced meat is an incredibly popular product from which you can prepare many delicious and simple dishes.
Elena Shimanovskaya stuffing meat Cooking 29 February 2024Everyone knows the recipe for this simple and popular dish. But not everyone can boast that the cutlets turn out delicious.
Olga Kotova how to cook cutlets cutlets cooking cutlets hot Cooking 27 February 2024If you want to diversify your diet and serve a more interesting version of thin pancakes for lunch or breakfast, you should pay attention to additional ingredients.
Olga Kotova pancakes pancake recipe making pancakes pancakes Cooking 27 February 2024Few people know, but not all products need to be washed.
Olga Kotova food products washing doctor's advice health Beauty and health 26 February 2024The cooking process is extremely fast. However, experienced cooks note that many forget to fry such a product before cooking. Why do this?
Olga Kotova pasta how to cook pasta cooking cooking and recipes Cooking 26 February 2024Homemade baking is always a great idea. However, not all lovers know that they should use table vinegar when cooking.
Olga Kotova life hacks with vinegar vinegar dough yeast dough Cooking 24 February 2024This dish is a great addition to any meal. The cooking process is extremely simple and does not require much time or expensive ingredients.
Olga Kotova cooking cooking and recipes quick recipes Cooking 23 February 2024We are happy to share with you a simple way to prepare fish for cooking, thanks to which any fish with a strong smell and/or dry meat will become aromatic, juicy and very tasty.
Elena Shimanovskaya fish with me cooking fish culinary tricks Cooking 19 February 2024Softened bread makes the mince more airy, soft, and perfectly “sticks” the ingredients together. But it can be easily replaced with other products.
Olga Kotova cutlets minced meat dishes minced meat for cutlets stuffing Cooking 19 February 2024Homemade jelly based on sour cream is quite easy to prepare. Such a treat turns out tender and appetizing, and most importantly, it will definitely please both adults and children.
Olga Kotova cream jelly dessert Cooking 15 February 2024Most often, the reason for this problem is that the cookware was poorly looked after or was not heated evenly before cooking.
Olga Kotova frying pan the frying pan is burning a vessel useful tips and life hacks Useful tips 15 February 2024Stewed cabbage is one of the most popular dishes, as its preparation does not require much time, and the ingredients needed are the simplest, which are always at hand.
Elena Shimanovskaya stewed cabbage cooking recipe what to add to stewed cabbage Cooking 15 February 2024This exquisite treat will decorate any table. At the same time, you do not need to have special culinary skills to surprise your household or guests with a delicate and light chocolate soufflé.
Olga Kotova dessert dessert recipes souffle cooking Cooking 14 February 2024Tender and flavorful meatballs are a great addition to any side dish. They can be served with pasta, vegetables, or even mashed potatoes.
Olga Kotova cooking meatballs meatballs cooking minced meat dishes Cooking 14 February 2024There is a simple way to make lavash pizza in a frying pan, which will allow you to get a filling lunch quite quickly.
Olga Kotova pizza pizza in a frying pan pizza recipe pita Cooking 13 February 2024If you want to serve homemade aromatic buns for breakfast or lunch, then this recipe is perfect for quick preparation, when you don’t want to spend a lot of time fiddling with the dough and standing at the stove.
Olga Kotova buns baking homemade baked goods cooking Cooking 13 February 2024Simple appetizers that can be served before the main course will only decorate the table and make the dinner much better. The process of their preparation is usually extremely simple and does not require much effort, time or serious expenses.
Olga Kotova delicious dinner snacks snack recipe preparation Cooking 12 February 2024Finding noodles in the store is not a problem. After all, the shelves are filled with a variety of types of this product. But homemade noodles are the product that is always beyond competition.
Olga Kotova noodles preparation cooking dough recipe Cooking 11 February 2024You might be interested to know the answer to the question of why pasta has not become boring for the people of Italy for centuries?
Elena Shimanovskaya cooking Spaghetti Cooking 10 February 2024This dish is more reminiscent of soft and porous lavash. When baked, hundreds of small holes appear on the surface.
Olga Kotova pancakes making pancakes pancake recipe cooking and recipes Cooking 10 February 2024