In the Land of the Rising Sun, draniki are prepared completely differently than in Belarus.
Kurchev Anton Japan flatbreads potato pancakes delicious recipes Cooking 24 January 2025You are deeply mistaken if you think that milk is an essential component of pancake batter.
Kurchev Anton pancakes milk cream pancake batter Cooking 24 January 2025The cook told how to bake cheese buns - with cottage cheese and suluguni.
Igor Zur homemade baked goods Chef's Tips delicious recipes buns Cooking 23 January 2025The chef told how to bake banana bread with walnuts.
Igor Zur delicious pastries Chef's Tips delicious recipes bananas Cooking 21 January 2025The cook told how to make a creamy sauce and bake potatoes in it.
Igor Zur cooking and food make sauce Potato dishes potatoes in the oven Cooking 20 January 2025The chef told how to prepare a salad of beets with bell peppers and white beans.
Igor Zur salad recipe cooking and food beetroot dishes healthy food Cooking 20 January 2025Recipe for chocolate muffin with cottage cheese filling - for a family breakfast or a visit from guests.
Igor Zur cooking and food homemade baked goods biscuit recipe recipes with cottage cheese Cooking 19 January 2025We are talking about mushrooms and cheese.
Kurchev Anton potato pancakes potato pancakes mushrooms dishes with cheese Cooking 17 January 2025The cook told how to prepare Czech potato pancakes "bramboraki" and what is needed for this.
Igor Zur Potato dishes delicious potato pancakes kitchen delicious recipes Cooking 16 January 2025The ingredients are the simplest and most accessible. Despite this, the salad is a real culinary masterpiece.
Kurchev Anton delicious salad salad preparation vegetables corn Cooking 16 January 2025If you manage to do everything correctly, the cutlets will turn out very juicy and tasty: you will be delighted.
Kurchev Anton cutlets juicy cutlets minced meat for cutlets ice Cooking 16 January 2025The cook told how to make cabbage soup from sauerkraut.
Igor Zur first courses sauerkraut cooking and recipes tips for housewives Cooking 15 January 2025The cook told how to make oatmeal pancakes - the best replacement for sandwiches.
Igor Zur breakfast dishes oatmeal New Year's holidays tips for housewives Cooking 14 January 2025The cook told how to make a cabbage pie for the whole family.
Igor Zur cabbage dishes Chef's Tips jellied pie homemade baked goods Cooking 13 January 2025The housewives were told how to cook pizza in a frying pan without having to fiddle around with the dough for a long time.
Igor Zur cooking and food pizza in a frying pan tips for housewives interesting recipes Cooking 10 January 2025The cook told us that you can quickly prepare something delicious for breakfast from oatmeal.
Igor Zur cooking and food oatmeal Chef's Tips quick recipes Cooking 10 January 2025Thanks to the apple component, the dish acquires a unique aroma.
Kurchev Anton borsch cooking borscht apples delicious borscht Cooking 10 January 2025The cook told how to salt lard in a marinade with onion skins and prunes.
Igor Zur cooking and food homemade lard delicious recipes Chef's Tips Cooking 9 January 2025The dish is prepared quite simply and quickly. At the same time, it is in no way inferior in taste to classic pizza.
Kurchev Anton pizza pizza in a frying pan Potato dishes delicious recipes Cooking 9 January 2025The cook told how to prepare Dragomirovskaya porridge and what is needed for it.
Igor Zur cooking buckwheat porridge delicious buckwheat mushroom dishes Cooking 8 January 2025