What in Belarus is called draniki by Czech housewives is called “bramboraki”.
They are also prepared from potatoes, but with the addition of several ingredients, which significantly change the taste.
Expert of the online publication "BelNovosti" Yulia Arkhipova - a cook, fourth-class baker told how to cook Czech potato pancake.
You will need:
- potatoes 4 pcs;
- egg 1 pc;
- onion (bulb) 1 pc;
- flour 1 tbsp;
- beer (dark) 50 ml;
- brisket (boiled and smoked) 50 g;
- salt, spices to taste.
How to cook
1. Peel the potatoes and grate them.
2. Do not grate the onion, but chop it finely.
3. Cut the smoked meat into small cubes or thin strips.
4. Mix the prepared ingredients, add the egg and flour, salt and spices.
5. Add dark beer and mix everything into a homogeneous mass.
Fry the bramboraks in a heated frying pan with vegetable oil over medium heat.
Serve with sour cream. Enjoy your meal!