Latest news for March 18, 2023


Many cat owners believe that such a procedure as haircut or shaving is simply necessary for their pet.

Elena Shimanovskaya cats cats wool pets haircut Pets
A couple in love

It often happens that a girl who looks attractive and interesting from the outside remains alone for a long time.

Elena Shimanovskaya relationship men women Love fear People and Events

On the Internet, you can often come across advertisements whose creators persistently entice you to go to the store to offer you to buy a drink that guarantees 100% weight loss.

Elena Shimanovskaya drinks drink diet weight weight loss ban Diets

Spikelets of multi-colored flowers, which is what majestic gladioli look like, can become a decoration for any area.

Elena Shimanovskaya flowers bloom time landing Garden and Vegetable Garden

An extra T-shirt bag in reserve never hurts - even when you don’t plan to go shopping.

Elena Shimanovskaya storage methods benefit board life hacks Useful tips

An incorrectly chosen color scheme is a common mistake that occurs when apartment owners who are planning a renovation want to save money on the services of an interior design specialist.

Elena Shimanovskaya color color selection Interior apartment design Designer's tips Design and interior

This does not mean that you don’t need to work on yourself at all.

Yana Lysova thinking Human behavior Love and Family

There are a few tricks that are worth your attention if you want to have lushly blooming rose bushes in your garden that will cause a sigh of admiration from everyone who happens to see them.

Elena Shimanovskaya roses flowers processing spring bloom Garden and Vegetable Garden
A cup of coffee

A large sip of hot tea, coffee or any other drink, taken carelessly, can remind you of itself for a long time with unpleasant painful sensations.

Elena Shimanovskaya health burn language help Beauty and health

Perhaps only housewives with considerable “experience” know about all the possible ways of using soda – both in preparing lunch or dinner, and in cleaning the apartment.

Elena Shimanovskaya soda cooking cooking benefit application methods Cooking

Such things can be valuable even in youth.

Yana Lysova values things Human age Love and Family

Just a few decades ago, literally every young mother tried to introduce her baby to the potty as early as possible.

Elena Shimanovskaya child children and family habits age Children
Cottage cheese and eggs

Round discs of curd mass, sprinkled with powdered sugar or combined with strawberry jam... This breakfast will make anyone's mouth water!

Elena Shimanovskaya syrniki breakfast recipe pain cooking cooking Cooking
Children's room

If there is a child in the house who has creative inclinations, then most likely the parents will have to throw all their efforts into eliminating the consequences of the child’s creativity.

Elena Shimanovskaya carpet child spot creativity cleaning cleaning Useful tips

It is well known that coffee is surrounded by many myths. Let's dispel some of them.

Elena Gutyro coffee drink health myths Beauty and health