Latest news for December 8, 2023


It is unlikely that even a novice gardener will confuse copper and iron sulfate. But not everyone can correctly answer the question of what this or that product is needed for.

Elena Shimanovskaya garden and vegetable garden, dacha plants processing copper sulfate ferrous sulfate Garden and Vegetable Garden
Washing machine

You can, of course, tidy up white things with the help of household chemicals, but not only that: folk remedies will also do.

Elena Shimanovskaya washing machine washing improved washing machine wash cloth Useful tips

When the cold weather sets in, many people have time to do home repairs and other useful things.

Sergey Tumanov home renovation winter folk signs prohibitions problems People and Events
A watering can

None of us are immune to mistakes. The frequency of incorrect actions directly depends on life experience. All of the above applies equally to gardening matters.

Elena Shimanovskaya now trees fruit trees watering fertilizer summer resident mistakes Garden and Vegetable Garden

The daylight hours continue to shorten, and the plants “understand” that the cold season has arrived – they begin to grow more slowly.

Dmitry Liskovich flowers apartment watering indoor flowers flowers in winter Garden and Vegetable Garden

As you know, buying seedlings in the fall will cost you much less than the same purchase made in the spring.

Elena Shimanovskaya trees now fruit trees seedlings buy seedlings storage Garden and Vegetable Garden

Sometimes the container needs to be "treated" in a certain way. Otherwise, the device will become a source of unpleasant odor.

Kurchev Anton bin washing washing powder baking soda scent Useful tips

Modern houseplants are relatively expensive, and therefore it is very unpleasant when a newly purchased plant begins to slowly dry out.

Dmitry Liskovich flowers apartment purchase indoor plants indoor flowers Garden and Vegetable Garden

Too much salt in the soil can cause a decrease in crop yields – some crops refuse to grow in such conditions.

Dmitry Liskovich garden growing salt soil salinity watering the garden Garden and Vegetable Garden

Every owner hopes that their pet treats them well. However, cats do not always like the people they live with in the same apartment.

Kurchev Anton cat cat behavior facts about cats signs problems Pets