If you sleep less than 6 hours, you risk causing mental and internal organ problems.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news lack of sleep consequences of lack of sleep problems Beauty and health 14 December 2024If a deceased relative who appears in a dream asks to remember him, this request should be fulfilled.
Timur Khomichev dreams dreams about deceased relatives religion People and Events 27 September 2024This pose can reduce the state of discomfort and reduce unpleasant sensations and reduce painful cramps in the abdomen.
Sergey Tumanov Top news Human doctors life hacks Beauty and health 18 August 2024Drinking water just before bed can impact the quality of your rest.
Sergey Tumanov Top news water drink night Beauty and health 21 July 2024The choice of sleeping place in cats is closely related to their natural instincts.
Sergey Tumanov Top news cat house cat behavior Pets 17 July 2024Garlic contains a large amount of phytoncides - substances that kill microbes and bacteria.
Sergey Tumanov Top news pillow garlic health Useful tips 15 July 2024A person needs a night's sleep in order to rest and gain strength to perform "feats" with the onset of a new day.
Elena Shimanovskaya dreams People and Events 9 July 2024This phenomenon raises many questions and speculations, but rarely does anyone think about the reasons for such behavior.
Sergey Tumanov Top news cat habits cat behavior Pets 30 June 2024Lenses that cover a significant area of the eye block the natural cleansing process.
Sergey Tumanov Top news eyes lenses life hacks Beauty and health 28 June 2024According to popular belief, a dream about a deceased relative can foretell both good and bad.
Timur Khomichev dreams dreams about deceased relatives signs folk signs People and Events 24 June 2024Sleeping on your stomach is considered one of the least preferred positions for a number of health reasons.
Sergey Tumanov Top news health benefit life hacks Beauty and health 17 June 2024This method allows you to maintain security without losing the ability to quickly respond to changes in the environment.
Sergey Tumanov Top news cats behavior cat behavior Pets 16 June 2024Experts recommend eating some strawberries about an hour or half an hour before bed to get a good night's sleep and improve your health.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news food strawberry health Diets 10 June 2024According to popular belief, a dream about a deceased loved one can be both a good and a bad sign.
Timur Khomichev dreams dreams about deceased relatives signs folk signs Useful tips 16 January 2024Our ancestors believed that deceased relatives appear in dreams to help or warn of danger.
Timur Khomichev dreams relatives dreams about deceased relatives superstition People and Events 12 January 2024According to popular belief, the sudden appearance of a rainbow in the sky promises a successful resolution of problems.
Timur Khomichev signs folk signs dreams signs People and Events 9 January 2024During the night's sleep, experts say, our body actively restores the strength and energy spent during the past day.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news health youth doctors Useful tips 27 December 2023Eating dairy products and sweets before bed can trigger nightmares.
Timur Khomichev products food products food nutrition Beauty and health 21 June 2023The important thing here is to find the cause of the problem so that it can be solved.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news cats bed life hacks Pets 12 June 2023Dreams have long been an important element in people's lives, and based on centuries of observation, they can have different interpretations and clearly indicate the onset of good events in life.
Elena Gutyro rest signs happiness People and Events 26 March 2023