Who Benefits from Sleeping on Your Stomach: Unexpected Benefits of a Position Many Consider Harmful

27.01.2025 01:20

Every night, a person takes the most comfortable sleeping position for themselves. Many experts criticize the prone position, but research shows that for certain groups of people, this position may not only be comfortable, but also beneficial to health.

Anatomical Features of Sleeping on Your Stomach

When sleeping on your stomach, your spine is in a more natural position than when sleeping on your side.

The pressure on the intervertebral discs is distributed evenly, which helps them recover during the night.

Effect on the respiratory system

Sleeping on your stomach may be beneficial for people who suffer from obstructive sleep apnea.

In this pose, the tongue does not fall back and the airways remain open, which promotes free breathing.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Digestive Benefits

Lying on your stomach may help relieve reflux symptoms in people with high acidity.

Thanks to gravity, gastric juice does not rise up the esophagus, which prevents heartburn.

Relieving muscle tension

People who spend a lot of time on the computer may notice improvement in their back pain when sleeping on their stomach.

This pose helps to relax the muscles of the upper back and neck.

Proper organization of the sleeping place

For comfortable sleeping on your stomach, you need a properly selected mattress of medium firmness. The pillow should be thin or absent altogether so that the neck is not in an unnatural position.

Peculiarities of the position of the limbs

The optimal position for your arms when sleeping on your stomach is bent, at an angle of approximately 90 degrees to your body. It is best to keep your legs straight or slightly bent at the knees.

Who Should Avoid Sleeping on Their Stomachs

Pregnant women, people with serious spinal problems and those who have recently undergone abdominal surgery are advised to choose other sleeping positions.

Adaptation period

Transitioning to a new sleeping position takes time. It can take several days to several weeks for your body to adjust to a new resting position.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Internet resource editor

  1. Anatomical Features of Sleeping on Your Stomach
  2. Effect on the respiratory system
  3. Digestive Benefits
  4. Relieving muscle tension
  5. Proper organization of the sleeping place
  6. Peculiarities of the position of the limbs
  7. Who Should Avoid Sleeping on Their Stomachs
  8. Adaptation period