Unfortunately, many people experience serious problems with sleep.
Often it is simply impossible to fall asleep, and if it is possible, then the sleep is restless, in fits and starts.
Of course, the problem affects your well-being, appearance and overall health.
But the issue can be resolved. Quickly and effectively. If you pay attention to the five products below.
In some sense, they can become a substitute for sleeping pills.
At least you certainly won’t wake up several times in the middle of the night, and you’ll be able to fall asleep better.
Most people traditionally consume this product in the morning.
Not the best option, since porridge makes you sleepy.
The fact is that oats are rich in melatonin, which relaxes the body.
In addition, oatmeal helps you fall asleep quickly due to the production of insulin.
In other words, after consuming this dish, the blood sugar level increases, which causes drowsiness.
All you need is a handful of nuts to fall asleep not just quickly, but also soundly.
This is ensured by the tryptophan and magnesium they contain, which have a relaxing effect on muscles and nerves.
In addition, almonds are useful because they stabilize the heart rhythm.
Cherry and sweet cherry
Contain melatonin. Therefore, if you regularly consume these berries, you can normalize the quality of sleep.
Cherries and cherries also slow down the aging process and protect against cancer.
Dark chocolate
The product contains a large amount of serotonin.
It relaxes the body and normalizes mental functioning.
The fruits contain vitamin B6, an excellent relaxant.
This vitamin transforms tryptophan into serotonin, which creates a pleasant feeling of absolute peace and serenity.