Not everyone knows how onion and garlic peels can be used for culinary purposes.
Marina Michalap onion peel using onion peel cooking Cooking 28 September 2024Few people know that potatoes can be boiled in just ten minutes.
Marina Michalap boiled potatoes how to cook potatoes side dish recipes potatoes for garnish Cooking 28 September 2024Three working tips that will help you chop onions without crying.
Igor Zur Chef's Tips chop the onion cooking home tricks Cooking 28 September 2024Not all housewives know how to clean champignons using flour.
Marina Michalap use of flour how to clean champignons champignons Cooking 26 September 2024Boiled eggs are an essential ingredient for many dishes.
Elena Shimanovskaya eggs boiled eggs boiled egg culinary tricks Cooking 14 September 2024Several ways to make your cup of coffee even more beneficial.
Igor Zur benefits of coffee ginger in cooking spices how to make coffee Beauty and health 14 September 2024Potatoes can be added only after the surface of the pan is well heated.
Igor Zur cooking fried potatoes Chef's Tips how to fry potatoes Cooking 9 September 2024The chef told how to prepare a fragrant seasoning from garlic and fresh herbs.
Igor Zur blank how to store greens tips for housewives home tricks Cooking 15 August 2024Not everyone knows how professional chefs use vodka in cooking.
Marina Michalap vodka in cooking use of vodka culinary tricks Cooking 10 August 2024Summer is in full swing – and with it, the jam-making season.
Elena Shimanovskaya jam sweetness sugar soda Cooking 31 July 2024There is enough stress and fuss in our daily lives – so why worry about minor everyday issues?
Elena Shimanovskaya cooking cooking cooking culinary tricks Cooking 7 July 2024Sometimes gourmets face this problem: during frying, potato pieces just don’t want to turn golden.
Kurchev Anton potatoes fried potatoes how to fry potatoes butter Cooking 4 July 2024The ingredient that improves the taste of this popular dish is onion.
Kurchev Anton boil potatoes deliciously boiled potatoes bulb taste Cooking 21 June 2024Not all housewives know what culinary life hacks with lemon can be useful.
Marina Michalap lemons in cooking life hacks with lemon Uses of lemons Cooking 18 June 2024Some culinary tricks will be useful to any housewife.
Marina Michalap culinary tricks cooking and recipes about cooking Cooking 15 June 2024Do you like beets, but rarely buy them because the product takes several hours to cook? You can significantly reduce the time it takes to cook the ingredient if you follow these simple tips.
Sergey Tumanov beet quick cooking beets methods for quick cooking of beets tricks Cooking 14 June 2024The main mistakes that cause dumplings to stick together when cooked.
Igor Zur cooking how to cook dumplings mistakes Chef's Tips Cooking 4 June 2024What to add to flour when baking to get a delicate taste and unusual aroma.
Igor Zur cooking Chef's Tips homemade baked goods pain Cooking 25 May 2024There are a few tricks to follow to achieve excellent results when cooking buckwheat.
Igor Zur cooking buckwheat Chef's Tips kitchen tips for housewives Cooking 19 May 2024What should be done before adding water to cereal before cooking porridge.
Igor Zur kitchen cooking tips for housewives delicious porridge Useful tips 13 May 2024