The cook told how to cook crumbly rice and what kind of water to pour over the grain when cooking - cold or hot.
Igor Zur culinary life hacks Chef's Tips how to cook rice hot water Cooking 30 September 2024Not everyone knows why experienced cooks cover the pot with a towel when cooking rice.
Marina Michalap cooking rice garnish culinary tricks Cooking 3 September 2024We'll tell you about a new way to cook crumbly rice.
Timur Khomichev cooking rice secrets of crumbly rice cooking rice rice side dish Cooking 13 August 2024Not everyone knows what can be added to the pot when cooking rice as a side dish.
Marina Michalap garnish rice side dish cooking rice Cooking 10 August 2024You can prepare crumbly rice without rinsing and stirring.
Timur Khomichev secrets of crumbly rice cooking rice cooking rice delicious rice Cooking 9 August 2024You can prepare crumbly rice without repeatedly rinsing it before cooking.
Timur Khomichev secrets of crumbly rice cooking rice cooking rice delicious rice Cooking 8 August 2024We'll tell you the secrets of making crumbly rice.
Timur Khomichev secrets of crumbly rice cooking rice cooking rice rice side dish Cooking 2 August 2024Not everyone knows why to add lemon juice and tea when cooking rice.
Marina Michalap cooking rice garnish culinary tricks Cooking 23 June 2024Whether the rice turns out crumbly depends largely on the cooking technology.
Timur Khomichev rice porridge rice groats cooking rice secrets of crumbly rice Cooking 22 June 2024It is not at all difficult to cook rice so that it is not only tasty, but also crumbly.
Timur Khomichev rice groats rice porridge cooking rice cooking rice Cooking 18 June 2024Rice can be called a rather capricious grain.
Elena Shimanovskaya rice groats rice porridge cereals garnish Cooking 16 June 2024The rice will be crumbly if you place a towel under the lid after cooking.
Igor Zur cooking rice dishes Chef's Tips culinary life hacks Cooking 12 May 2024Many housewives do not fry the cereal, thereby depriving the dish of the ideal consistency and bright aroma.
Kurchev Anton rice groats rice porridge hot culinary tricks Cooking 3 May 2024In most cases, when we cook round rice, it turns out sticky and more like porridge.
Elena Shimanovskaya rice groats cooking cooking culinary tricks Cooking 20 April 2024Not everyone knows about the simple method of preparing crumbly rice, which is definitely worth taking note of.
Marina Michalap how to cook rice cook rice deliciously rice recipe Cooking 27 February 2024Are you one of those cooks who can't make crumbly rice porridge? Then pay attention to the cookware you cook the cereal in.
Kurchev Anton rice porridge cooking rice pot culinary mistakes Cooking 8 February 2024We'll tell you what you need to do to make your rice crumbly, like in a restaurant.
Timur Khomichev rice groats cooking rice cooking rice delicious rice Cooking 5 February 2024