Many people like to salt fish themselves, as in most cases the dish turns out much tastier and healthier.
However, sometimes we get an untested recipe with incorrect salt proportions.
Also, sometimes we ourselves are to blame, as we introduce products "by eye". But oversalted fish can always be saved. First, it is worth removing the fins and skin.

After that, we proceed to the soaking procedure, explains the culinary expert of the online publication BelNovosti, chef Yulia Arkhipova.
What methods of "saving" oversalted fish are worth knowing?
This is the safest and most effective method, but it has one drawback: you will "transfer" a lot of milk. We put the fish into the container, add milk.
Keep the dishes in the refrigerator. After an hour and a half, remove the milk and pour in new milk. The procedure is repeated three times.
Before direct consumption, the fish should be washed again in water.
Black tea
This method seems unusual, but it is very effective at a low cost. You will need to brew a sufficient amount of tea and bring it to room temperature.
Then we put the fish in it and set the timer for five hours. The product will need to be washed and tasted: the procedure can be repeated.
During soaking, the fish is placed in the refrigerator.