Experts have given simple advice that will help avoid stress and maintain mutual respect when communicating with elderly parents.
Igor Zur children and parents communication with relatives psychological stability negative emotions elderly people 11 February 2025How to choose the right children's wardrobe for a winter walk and return home on time.
Igor Zur Advice to parents children's health children's clothing walk Parents' mistakes 11 February 2025Psychologists have explained why parents should not sort out relationships in front of their children or speak negatively about relatives or friends.
Igor Zur Parents' mistakes raising children Advice to parents family relationships child psychology 10 February 2025At what age can a child drink his first cup of coffee and what to do with other drinks containing caffeine.
Igor Zur children's health caffeine and health medical advice contraindications drinks 10 February 2025There are many factors that influence a child's growth.
Elena Shimanovskaya child child development nutrition baby nutrition healthy products 8 February 2025It is strictly forbidden to give small children drinks and products with caffeine, including chocolate.
Timur Khomichev children's health coffee coffee and caffeine caffeine and health harm of coffee 7 February 2025Three pieces of advice for parents who want to raise inquisitive children - where to start and why you shouldn't be afraid of change.
Igor Zur Advice to parents raising children child development knowledge child psychology 7 February 2025Experts advise thinking about the purpose for which a student needs additional classes.
Igor Zur children and study Advice to parents child development school and parents exam 7 February 2025The ability to roll over is one of the first important skills that a baby will have to master.
Elena Shimanovskaya baby child teaching a child skills council mom dad 7 February 2025Parents were told when a cold could be a reason to keep a child at home.
Igor Zur Advice to parents child health a cold kindergarten medical advice 6 February 2025Scientists have come to the conclusion that the human mind is pure from birth, and all knowledge comes with experience.
Igor Zur scientific research brain work interesting facts experience an experiment 6 February 2025The most reliable way to determine the sex of the unborn child is considered to be an ultrasound examination.
Elena Shimanovskaya pregnancy pregnant woman gender of the child boy girl 6 February 2025It is generally accepted that gifted children are most often born to people with blood type zero Rh factor.
Igor Zur parents and children blood group level of intelligence creativity scientific facts 5 February 2025British scientists have found that fear of mathematics or dislike of the subject is instilled in children by adults.
Igor Zur raising children child development mathematics research by scientists fear 5 February 2025Diaper cream should definitely be present in every baby's cosmetic bag.
Elena Shimanovskaya child diapers cream baby skin 5 February 2025Five useful skills that wise parents instill in their children.
Igor Zur raising children child development secrets of success Advice to parents healthy habits 4 February 2025The child does not understand why he was praised and cannot repeat the success.
Sergey Tumanov child education issues raising children children and family 4 February 2025The reasons for parental overprotection are the difficulties they have experienced - psychologists have named the main ones.
Igor Zur Parents' mistakes raising children Advice to parents psychological attitudes psychology of success 4 February 2025Adolescence is a period filled with changes, emotions and internal conflicts. During this time, teenagers literally “balance” on the edge between childhood and adulthood.
Elena Shimanovskaya children and parents communication with a child teenager Parents' phrases raising children 4 February 2025Physical punishment of a child can lead to the development of social, emotional and behavioral problems in the future.
Igor Zur raising children Advice to parents Punishment of children child development child psychology 3 February 2025