It is strictly forbidden to give small children drinks and products with caffeine, including chocolate.
Russian nutritionist Lyudmila Petrova warned about this.
An expert told Moscow 24 at what age children can drink coffee.

At what age can children have coffee?
As Petrova explained, caffeine is found not only in coffee, but also in tea, some carbonated drinks such as cola, as well as in cocoa and chocolate.
Energy drinks are especially dangerous for children; they can contain up to 200 mg of caffeine.
Children aged 4-6 years can have no more than 45 mg of caffeine per day (as in a cup of weak tea).
For children aged 7-9 years, the maximum permissible daily dose is 62.5 mg, 10-12 years – 85 mg, 12-18 years – 100 mg.
Thus, a full cup of coffee can be given to children from 12 years of age, the specialist explained.
If a teenager shows interest in coffee, the expert advises choosing drinks with low caffeine content – cappuccino, latte.
They contain a significant portion of milk, which will help to replenish the need for calcium.
The nutritionist also recommended avoiding adding large amounts of sugar or syrups to coffee.